please help, i cant take this pain anymore.
I'm 35 weeks n' 1 day and for the past two weeks I've been having painful contractions that ended up putting me in triage. They are so painful I can't get comfortable and all I can do is cry, but every time I go to the e.r they end up sending me home because they're not dilating my cervix, I'm only at a 1. I can tolerate pain but not this kind and even a hot bath doesn't help, I barely get any sleep because I wake up in pain crying. Is there anything I can do to help ease the pain?
@survivormommie3, yes, he doesn't really seem concerned. All he says is, "well, if you have baby now he should be fine" and that I don't want to start any medicine since I haven't took any since I've been pregnant besides my prenatal pills.