mucus plug

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
What's the earliest you can start losing it? What does it look like if you don't lose it all at once?


  • Mine looked like lil strings of snot tmi I never lost mine all at once
  • Like ik too.much info but I went to the bathroom and I got this weird feeling and I dripped like white discharge looking stuff in the toilet. But when I wipe it looks liquidy. No blood or discoloured. But idk if this is regular discharge or not @Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo
  • If its liquid its sounds like normal discharge ur plug wit look like big or small chunks of mucus looks a lot like snot .
  • Oh ok. Like is it a chunky kind of snot? Sorry chunky was a bad work. Or is it like a runny nose kind of snot like when your sick? @Mrz_Jackson2anpreggo
  • edited July 2011
    I've been losing mine since yesterday at first it was allot and this morning just a little I'm 31w 3d
  • I've been wondering the same thing, (tmi) but I've been noticing some thick mucous that looks like snot but its like a white color and its only a little... Am I starting to lose my mucous plug?
  • Yea its thick. Mine comes out in chunky strings . I'm only 25 wks but I have a 13 month old so I kinda remember it wit her. But u will def no if its ur plug it won't be thin discharge it will be thick mucus.
  • edited July 2011
    Mine started coming out about a month before DD arrived. The first amount to come out was the size of a half-dollar super thick, opaque/and kinda clear/white/greyish colored, with some old brown blood and fresh red blood around looked like a bloob of super thick cervical mucous...almost like rubber cement. I then started losing little pieces over the next month and then about 4 days before DD arrived I lost a huge just kept coming over the day and then stopped. My water broke 3 days later then labor started.
  • Mine came out over the course of a day. It was like the thick yellow snot when your sick. But its obviously not yellow. Mine was a grey white with streaks of light pink blood and slowly throughout the day got to be bright red blood then my water broke
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