baby bump or gas..=/

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm almost 8 weeks and the past few days I have noticed a lil pudge. Im 5'4 and weigh 94lbs so its pretty obvious to me usually when I wake up in the morning my tummy is flat but now I wake up and the lil bump is still there it looks like I'm bloated but it doesn't go away. So in wondering wow I'm a starting to show a lil already or is this just built up gas?


  • Don't really wanna burst your bubble but, its probably just gas this early on. You're quite lucky tho being so tiny as when your uterus does start to poke over your pelvic bone it will become noticeable :-). Won't quite be at that point yet and although you may not feel like you're all gassed up, at this stage of pregnancy, we do tend to retain more. Good luck tho :-) give it 4 more weeks and I reckon you'll be noticing the beginnings of a proper "baby bump" :-) x
  • Thanks yea I was thinking it was gas its just annoying belly all big for no reason lol
  • The baby is teeny tiny and sits very low this early on. I'm 8w5d today and feel like I've been showing for 2 1/2 weeks, but I know that in reality I'm just bloated. Lol. It's less fun to think about, but the actual bump will be there soon enough :)
  • edited February 2011
    Frustrating isn't it :-) make the most of still being able to lie on your belly while u can :-) I am. Getting quite uncomfortable boob wise but, I sleep better that way. Know I've only a few weeks left before belly will start getting in the way :-( ...then the sleepless nights begin..........
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