Blue+Blue= Blue eyes, . . ??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Or can the color of the baby's eyes be different. . . ?


  • I hope that blue and blue make blue because that's what we have and we want our daughter to have blue too.
  • Brown eyes are a dominant trait so if you both have blue eyes baby could have any color but if you both have brown eyes baby will have brown
  • Depends on dominancy of the eyes color
  • How about brown eyes( dad) &
    green.eyes (mom) ...which is the dominate?
  • Yeah BC I have brown eyes and hubs has blue and our son has blue. But my brother has brown and his wife green and there son has brown if you have recessive brown eyes like one if your parents have blue or green or one of your parents have brown them u could end up with brown. My best friends parents both had blue eyes n she has deep brown its crazy how genetics work but more than likely ur baby. Will have blue :)
  • I hope soo. . . :-P
  • dont forget RECESSIVE genes....if u have a parent, grandparent or great grandparent that had different colored eyes your child could recieve that gene.

    SO this meaning all blue eyed people wayyyyyyyyyy down the line are related.
    this is only true for blue eyed individuals.
    dont believe me----google it.
  • dont forget RECESSIVE genes....if u have a parent, grandparent or great grandparent that had different colored eyes your child could recieve that gene.

    SO this meaning all blue eyed people wayyyyyyyyyy down the line are related.
    this is only true for blue eyed individuals.
    dont believe me----google it.
  • sorry my computer connection has gone :p
  • @Betty what color eyes deoes both of ur parents have
  • Myself and my husband both have blue eyes and all our kids all have blue eyes :-D
  • I have green, my bf has blue. Hoping he passes his recessive.
  • I want to pass on my green eyes. Don't think its likely with his Latin brownies. I mean, they're pretty, too. But my green eyes are pretty awesome.
  • Well here something funny my doctor said green are dominate over brown . But I have brown and hubby has green and baby has blue ? ! He is three and they aren't changing! But my father has baby blue eyes too so it really all plays with you and your parents lol I feel like I have a magic eight ball belly lol we are expecting baby number two and can't even make a guess cause you just never know lol
  • Genetics are crazy. I'm the spitting image of my moms sister. Except my eye color. My eye color no one really has! My mom has brown, my dads are more teal and bam, mine are almost a bottle green.
    The coolest thing about my eyes tho, is they change with my mood. I want to pass them on so badly!!!
  • Can I just say that it would be crazy if my baby came out dark as his/her Guatemalan dad with my dad's bright blue eyes or my clear green eyes? I think my blonde hair would just be too much to ask for.
  • The dominance is brown > green > blue

    Brown is most dominant but does not mean much since there is still recessive genes... for example my dad has brown (dominant over blue) and my mom has blue. But my dad also has a recessive blue gene because someone on his side is blue. I inherited both recessive blue genes. The same is for my boyfriend.

    Since blue is recessive, which means neither me or my bf have the dominant brown gene, we will have a child with blue eyes almost indefinitely. I believe there are exceptions but its almost always this way.

    I was told by an anatomy teacher that hazel and gray eyes are anomalies in genes so I have no idea about that one lol. But you can generally tell if someone with brown eyes carries a recessive blue gene, their skin will be fair(er than most) and they will have like moles or freckles and such. Not always but usually
  • My husband has blue I've got green my son has either blueish or greenish depending on what he is wearing and my daughter has a silvery stainless steel kinda like a babys when its first born and their eyes haven't changed yet
  • I have green and husband has brown and our son has the prettiest blue eyes.
  • so hoping my baby gets my moms gorgeous blue eyes!!!

    neither me nor my sister got them, mine are light brown (golden) my sisters are teal.
    neither of my daughters got them either....grrrrr
  • Blue and blue only make blue. To get blue eyes you and your partner only have genes for blue eyes. If u had genes for anything else the other color would dominate. And since u two only have genes for blue eyes you can only pass on genes for blue eyes
  • I have hazel eyes(they change color) and all three of my kids have blue eyes their dad has blue eyes.
  • my mom has green eyes, but they changed color during high school and used to be blue. And my dad has brown eyes. I have blue and my bf has brown but who knows. Haha
  • @Lilliebug That's what i remember from biology class too. But someone earlier on this tread said that they knew someone who's parents both have blue eyes and she has brown. So i googled it. Turns out eye color is influenced by more than one gene so it does not always follow the way we were taught.
  • brown is dominant over green and blue
    green is dominant over blue
    if you have two blue eyed parents its next to impossible to have a child with any eye color other than blue. in an extreme rare situation each parent may have the blue eye color deformity at different places in their gene, it is possible for the cell to split and not display the recessiveness for blue eyes but its extremely extremely rare. its easier just to say blue + blue = blue.

    if you're curious about genetics you should play with punnet squares, its basically cross multiplying genes to see what percentage chance you have to get a kid with xx gene combos.

    for instance if both parents have brown eyes, but one of each parents grand parents had blue eyes you have a 25% chance to have a kid with brown eyes who is not a carrier of blue. a 50% chance to have a kid with brown eyes who carries the blue eyed gene recessively, and a 25% chance of having a kid with blue eyes. its actually really fun :)
  • @secondtimearound while its possible, I think its probably more possible its the mailmans kid. if I were a guy with blue eyes and my wife had blue and our kid had brown, that'd have paternity test written all over it.
  • My mom has hazel eyes and so does her grandma... my nephew has these amazing gold brown eyes so I hope my baby gets some color...
  • I was also wondering about this my hubby.and I both have blue eyes and so does his parents and 2 of his 3 siblings ( the other has brown). My parents and brothers all have blue.. So is it possible that our baby will have brown eyes bc his brother does? I really want her to have blue
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