I Had My Baby Boy! :)

edited July 2011 in Giving birth
After strong consistent Braxton Hicks all day yesterday, and a false labor trip to L&D yesterday evening (was still only 3cm), my body decided this morning that it was FINALLY ready to give birth! :D

Strong contractions started at 7:01 a.m. Arrived at the hospital around 8:05 a.m. The midwife checked me and I was 7cm! I was so shocked! By the time they got my IV hooked up and asked some questions, I was admitted and transferred to a room at 9:00. Moments later, after breathing through all of my contractions, I was asking for pain meds for my IV (I didn't want an epidural). I started grunting through my contractions at that point, and the nurse called the midwife. By the time she got to the room (9:25), my body was ready to push and she told me to let my body do what it wanted while they set up the table. Four minutes later (2 contractions and 3 pushes), my son was born! He broke his own waters as his head crowned.

Zaiden Alexander White was born at 9:29 a.m. weighing 7lbs 12oz, and 21" long. He is so sweet and perfect! There was meconium in his fluid, but he is just fine. I will try to post a pic when I get home. His big brother (5yrs) and big sister (3yrs this coming Sunday) are so excited about his arrival! :D


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