Hospital bag :/

edited February 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 35 weeks and 3 days.. I know ive seen this question on here before but I forget what you ladies said.. Please help


  • have a look here:

    also have a look at the Pregly app, if you have time to browse all the tips.. there is one about it :-)
  • thank you so much!
  • Your own pjs!!!! Its a must! :)
  • I packed pjs, socks, a bra, clothes to wear home, a robe, and house slippers, books, movies, snacks for my hubby, phone charger, and my own pillow. Tooth brush toothpaste and make up, hair brush and lotion.
  • I'm only 22 wks and I wanna pack one already just bc I have a feelin I'm gonna go early...I know this is super early but I just like to be
  • @luvmyson im 26 weeks and my bag has been packed since I was 20 weeks. Lol
  • Take a couple of nighties I went threw about 4 wen I was in labour from my waters plus getting in and out of the bath plus blood u will need 1 for just after aswell plus just abit of advise make sure the dad or Ur birth partner packs a little bag aswell trust me it will b needed I was having a home birth then we had problems n had 2go 2 the hospital I had bags ready 4 me n baby but not 4him n at the last minute he had 2run round the house n get some stuff which also ment he wasn't with me wen I wanted him ther.
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