35 weeks today. :-D

edited February 2011 in Third Trimester
35 weeks today with my second. Finally have everything for them. Just waiting for their arrival. Anyone else? :-)


  • Aww congrats i got ages!!! lol good luck :D
  • How far along are you? :-)
  • 9 week 4 days :)
  • Exciting, is it your first or? Lol bet you're eager to know the gender :-)
  • Yeah its our first I am yeah lol got 1st scan 15th march, and fiances gran already knitted pair of boottees n cardi n its tiny lol do u know what your having?
  • Aw are you in the uk then? And no baby's legs were closed at last scan lol we were going to get a private one but decided to wait :-) do you want a boy or girl? Or happy with either?
  • Yeah am from east yorkshire, hope our baby wont do that lol, prefer boy but happy with either lol you?
  • Would like a girl since already have a boy but as long as healthy can't complain. Yeah i'm from Wiltshire. Can be confusing sometimes on here reading stuff about medical care, since a lot of people are from america lol :-)
  • Yeah it is half of stuff I'm like what :/ lol and still can't believe they only get 12 week unpaid maternity leave :O
  • Congratulations! =)
  • Congratulations! Just curious... how long do u get for maternity leave? Some of us here only get 6 weeks off for maternity leave. :(
  • Well at mine they keep job open 4 a year after which can apply for further 6 months, i get 90% of wages a week for 6 weeks then for 33 weeks i get 33% of my weekly wages :)
  • I'm not too sure about maternity leave and rates of pay. I left my contract work just before I found out I was pregnant. :-) i'm looking forward to this baby arriving, I hope it's before their due date. :-D
  • 35 weeks 3 days! :) can't wait.. This is my first
  • Congrats! What are you having @brooke19?
  • A girl :) we're going to name her Molly Grace.. congrats to you too momma! Won't be long now!
  • Aw that's a lovely name. :-) do you feel like they might come early? I really do so I bet baby will be over due! Lol
  • I want to be overdue! I want her to be an april baby and she's due march 27th.. Im just going to cross my legs till then lol.. she's probably going to come early tho but she's welcome to stay in there as long as she wants! We're in the process of a move and we don't have any of our stuff so as long as she holds out for a couple more weeks until the movers get here
  • 35 weeks as of yesterday! Only 5 weeks and 6 days to go :) Congrats to all you other mommies!
  • 4 weeks and 6 days lol
  • 5 days I can't wait!!!!
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