Can masturbation...

Induce labor like sex can? :/


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  • No.. but it would be nice if it did... Haha
  • @Mommy_Of_Two Lol :)

    @jnc121311 Yeahhh, I figured that. 8-| I'm not far along to be trying to induce myself, but when it comes to it.. sex it just too much work!
  • Yeah. I know how cumbersome it can get but shoot... It will happen soon.... Good luck...
  • It's actually the sperm that helps jump start your labor...but orgasms do help your uterus contract
  • Really @kalasthename good info I didn't know that..:. Trying to enjoy sex at this point for me is like trying to shave it really sux!
  • edited July 2011
    Gah! My phone is stupid!
  • edited July 2011
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  • I've read several places that if you are alone no man and want to get going the female orgasm can dilate you up to 2 centimeters hopefully it works:)
  • yah ive heard its the sperm that has prostoglandens, to soften the cervix.. however its the orgasm that makes you contract.. so i think it could help.. i was wondering this myself.. and im going to google it.. lol.. if so if i go over its gonna be every five min for like two hours.. ugh thats alot of orgasm but its gotta start something
  • The sperm from sex can soften the cervix but just like nipple stimulation mast.can jump start contractions cause I had an episode with preterm labor this last weekend and they said that I am not allowed to do ANYTHING at all I can't have sex, mast., no nipple stimulation, no hands, no toys, and I have to even be careful in shower that water doesn't come in direct contact with my nipples.
  • @jnc121311 Yeah, it gets hard at times, but she's staying in there until she's ready to come out on her own! I'd rather know she's ready.

    @kalasthename I knew that sperm would soften the cervix because of that horomone, but like @ashleyfew, @mommy2milla, @lae3, @tbaby2011 said, I figured that masturbation would cause the uterus to contract. Just curious, though. :) I'm only 35+2, and I don't want to do something that might cause her to come this early. I read a scary article in a magazine about babies born early, and it kinda put the fear of God in me. Lol. Thanks for the info, ladies :)
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  • @ashleyfew That's what I thought, but you know how it is when you're pregnant, everyone and their grandma are going to tell you all kind of off the wall stuff. 8-| I'm not high risk, but just to satisfy my curiosity, I'm going to mention it to my doc at the next appointment.
  • Orgasms help contractions. But trust me... I've tried both and nothing!!! Gahhhh
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