yah ive heard its the sperm that has prostoglandens, to soften the cervix.. however its the orgasm that makes you contract.. so i think it could help.. i was wondering this myself.. and im going to google it.. lol.. if so if i go over its gonna be every five min for like two hours.. ugh thats alot of orgasm but its gotta start something
The sperm from sex can soften the cervix but just like nipple stimulation mast.can jump start contractions cause I had an episode with preterm labor this last weekend and they said that I am not allowed to do ANYTHING at all I can't have sex, mast., no nipple stimulation, no hands, no toys, and I have to even be careful in shower that water doesn't come in direct contact with my nipples.
@jnc121311 Yeah, it gets hard at times, but she's staying in there until she's ready to come out on her own! I'd rather know she's ready.
@kalasthename I knew that sperm would soften the cervix because of that horomone, but like @ashleyfew, @mommy2milla, @lae3, @tbaby2011 said, I figured that masturbation would cause the uterus to contract. Just curious, though. I'm only 35+2, and I don't want to do something that might cause her to come this early. I read a scary article in a magazine about babies born early, and it kinda put the fear of God in me. Lol. Thanks for the info, ladies
@ashleyfew That's what I thought, but you know how it is when you're pregnant, everyone and their grandma are going to tell you all kind of off the wall stuff. 8-| I'm not high risk, but just to satisfy my curiosity, I'm going to mention it to my doc at the next appointment.
@jnc121311 Yeahhh, I figured that. 8-| I'm not far along to be trying to induce myself, but when it comes to it.. sex it just too much work!
@kalasthename I knew that sperm would soften the cervix because of that horomone, but like @ashleyfew, @mommy2milla, @lae3, @tbaby2011 said, I figured that masturbation would cause the uterus to contract. Just curious, though.