Preterm Labor!! Help!!!

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
Im 29wks an at 3am I started having contractions and they stopped at 5am. I had about 2 around 11am but thats all. Im still feeling kinda crampy but no contractions or bleeding yet. Could I be starting preterm labor?


  • edited July 2011
    if u have blood, cramps, low dull back pain and bh really strong u maybe in pre term labor.
  • Sounds like maybe just braxton hicks..I have been having those too...and I'm 29 weeks 4 days.
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  • Mite be I'm 25 wks an jus got put on meds for it cuz the contractons softened my cervix so maybe call jus to be safe .
  • ok thanks ladies! Ill try not to freak out! Its just that im high risk and my cerclage is pretty much the only thing holding my baby in, cause I was told at 22wks that I was already 2cm dilated with funneling. I tend to freak out everytime I have a contraction now.
  • I'd call in if you think they're not braxton Hicks. I'm 30 weeks and 2 weeks ago had a pre-term labor scare and again on Friday. If anything the nurse will put your mind at ease or send you for testing. Don't feel bad for calling!:) All the Dr.s and nurses I have talked to these past 2 weeks were really glad I called. They keep telling me how many woman try to stay strong and ignore feelings and don't want to be a nuisance but really the nurses want people to call in!!:)))
  • edited July 2011
    @Fashion_Junky91 @mshahir @lovtra @MrsForesee r bh supposed to hurt?
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  • @mshahir Thats how I was feeling earlier.
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  • Oh yea u kno wen they hurt like @ mshahir said if it get tooo bad go to l&d
  • My bh can hurt but they are just in the tummy area. If you feel it lower or in your back and sides you should call. Also my nurses kept asking me if I was feeling it on my right side closer to my ribs. I guess that's a concern too if you feel it there.
  • I had two contractiond last week that caused me to dialate 1 cm and then cramping since then im almost 27 weeks they had to give me steroid shots I would call ut dr to be safe because l&d was surprised that just a couple contractions thay dialated im on bedrest.good luck hun
  • Stupid touch screen sorry for the typos
  • ok thanks ladies!
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