HELP! Need Advice Now!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm supposed to get my hair colored on Saturday, is it safe to do when you are pregnant? I'm almost 12 weeks.


  • Should be fine just make sure well ventilated area :) everyone days different if its safe or not but my kifs are both smart cookies no health problems n I did mine
  • I heard from several preg hair dressers that its fine aslong as its well ventilated
  • In nursing school we were taught that the chemicals can get into ur blood stream thriough ur skin. Ask ur dr
  • its safe as long as you're in a ventilated place, none of my docs of been against doing anything to your hair as longs as you don't breath in too many fumes
  • I've gotten my hair dyed many times and gotten my nails done as well a week before my due date! Its fine!
  • Ok to be really sure I'll ask my doctor in the morning, thank you mommies:)
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