Need a little advice on what this fluid could be.. its a little *TMI*

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34 weeks and i noticed i lost a little piece of my mucous plug earlier today. However, all this week i have been feeling very wet down there. I mean VERY wet, its not gushing down my leg or anything but i noticed that the inner part of my thighs and my va-jay-jay is always wet. I take almost 3 showers a day lol, it also has this scent to it. It almost smells like semen or something.... NOW HERE THE KICKER.... my husband and i haven't had sex in a month because he is scared of putting me into preterm labor since i have been having a few strong contractions here and there with continuous cramping. So i know for a fact that its not semen. It just seems like i cant stay dry... like for instance, i just washed up because i was all wet... now im wet again again and its only been like 20mins!!!

Do ANYONE know what this could be? Could it be amniotic fluid? I would call my OB but i dont want to call unnecessarily AND my OB and delivering hospital is an hour away... so if i call and they tell me to come in i want to make sure it wont be because im paranoid! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT! its driving me nuts trying to figure out whats going on with my body lol! THANKS!


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  • Okay thanks @mommy2isaiahngiselle i was thinking to. My hubby is still at work though.. im gonna see what my Ob line says...
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  • @ Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle do u know if any stomach or back pain would associate if it was my fluid leaking?
  • even if your hospital is an hour away, its worth the drive to find out that everything is ok and not find out later that it wasnt ok!!! i hope they say everything is ok! i had my son at 35 weeks and he was perfectly healthy and my water broke they didnt break it for me so you may just be ready! its better to be safe than sorry! keep us updated :)
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  • and i had no signs that my water was going to break it was super surprising to me!!! i was leaking everytime i would laugh or cough and i thought i was just peeing myself or something and i stood up out of my moms car and my water broke! so it may be the same! let me know what they tell you tho!
  • @baby2dec14yayy u said u had ur baby at 35 weeks, was he born small and did he have to stay in the hospital?

    @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle & @baby2dec14yayy just got off phone with one of the OB's she said that it doesn't sound like amniotic fluid cause it usually dont have a smell and it would be running down my legs. (even though what she said kind of contradicts what i read on the internet :-? ) . She just told me that it could be that i just have a lot of mucous coming out... don't really feel reassured at all , but i guess the dr knows more than i do! :-S
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  • yea thats what i read after i posted this... but the doc said is wouldnt smell like anything, so im more confused now than before lol. I'm just gonna pray for me and baby's health. The dr seemed so passive when i talked to her.
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  • Go in .. the phone nurses seem to always want to give you the run around.. even if nothings wrong its better to have.peace of mind than be stressing!
  • I agree go in. When my water broke with my my 1st it wasn't running down my legs. But I was contently wet. I finally changed my pants and went in and they said it was my water. I didn't have contractions or any discomfort for majority of labor. (I got scared and had epi before the pain got
  • @angel26 ... WOW! Yea i just took another shower after i sat here (wet yet again) and noticed after i used the bathroom that another piece of my mucous plug came out. so that makes 2 small portions in one day!

    @jay_brad & @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle that was one of my OB that i see that i spoke with, not the nurse. I told hubby what was all said when he got home form work and we both sitting here scratching our heads! The Doc said to call in on Monday and they will check me out... Since the Doc was adamant about me not coming in to the l&d, im going to give it ONE MORE DAY... if tomorrow this mess still happens im going in. I dont care if i have to ask to speak to another Doc other than the one i spoke to tonight!
  • OH- and thank you ladies for all of ur responses!!! :)
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  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle Woke up feeling pretty much the same, surprisingly i woke up dry lol, gonna see how the rest of the day turns out! ~I'll keep u ladies updated!~
  • Any updates?
  • @angel26 ... so today was pretty much the same as yesterday, still feeling wet down there (but not soaking wet) and im still losing little bits and pieces of my mucous plug. Someone mentioned to me today that i may have a yeast infection... so im going to add that to the list of things to have the Ob check for when u see them for my appt. .... So as of right now, hubby and I agreed that it would be smart if we finished up gettin the last minute items for our hospital bag... just in case!
  • That sounds like a good idea.
  • Yea that is a good idea good luck girl
  • Hi I was reading your post and I must say omg. How are you feeling. Hope everything is going alright with you and your baby.
  • @beebeety .. baby and I are okay, just wish i knew what was going on!

    @kristaf22 .. didnt know yeast infections could cause preterm labor. If that is it, I wonder how i even got one! I'm calling in the morn for a same day appt with my regular doc to see if thats what im going thru (yeast infection) so that way i wont have to make an hr drive to my OB for that. If its not then im heading straight to my OB office. So i'll give u all updates tomorrow hopefully! :)
  • UPDATE: @beebeety ; @kristaf22 ; @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle ; @angel26 ; @momof22be

    Okay ladies so here's the update! : Sunday night i start having HORRIBLE contractions and EXTREME back pain, i couldn't even talk they hurt so bad. So me and hubby left to head to hospital, remember my delivering hospital is an hr away so since i was in so much pain i just went to the hospital in town. on the way i started puking everything i had in me. We had to pull over at a McDonald's parking lot (i felt so bad cause i threw up ALOT). We finally got to hospital and i was admitted under Preterm Labor. When i got there i had found out i was dilated to 4cm and almost 40% effaced! WOW!!! They gave me magnesium to stop the labor and it kicked in in about an hr, once i was stable they transferred me to my delivering hospital. once i got there they started me on antibiotics and steroids for the baby just in case he came. ......... To make a long story short... I was JUST RELEASED today and i'm still at 4cm but i am almost 100% effaced. Im still losing my mucous plug and i spent 4 days in the hospital having moderate contractions, however they weren't hard enough to make me keep dilating. We thought my water had broke two different times cause i had lost fluid while i was there, but they tested it and it came back negative for my water bag. Also they did that test on ur cervix to see if ur going to delivery in the next 2-3 wks (forgot what it was called) it that came back POSITIVE, and that test was done on Monday morn. So as it stands, i'm back home... dilated to 4cm, almsot100% effaced & still losing mucous plug and having moderate contractions @ 35 weeks preggo! So, im tryin natural way to induce my labor since the baby is developed and okay (we checked him while i was in hospital) .. i just went and bought the cumin seeds and i will be drinking that tea tonight, hubby and I will be having lots of *GROWN UP TIME LOL* tonight, tomorrow, and however long it takes lmao! And i will be doing squats around the house lmao! So just wanted to update u all since its been a while since i told yall what happen! WISH ME LUCK!! Hopefully my little man will be here soon!
  • edited July 2011
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  • I'm so happy your both ok good luck tonight and keep us updated labor dust******************
  • Hey how is everything going? I haven't been on for a week are so. I just read it . I must say that I'm with mommy2IsaiahNGiselle with that one. I going to pray that you and your baby boy are fine. When you can let me know how you are . Don't forget God is good. So you and your hubby keep your faith everything is going to be just fine.
  • @beebeety & @jcbowker here is the update: (sorry for it being so long)

    I went into labor (for the second time) Friday night at 36 weeks ... contractions were 2-3mins apart but not too strong like the first time , i could actually breath through these. So we made it to our hospital. By Saturday Morning they had slowed down on their own and i had only dilated a half cm more. So now im at 4.5cm. Some time that morn i started having EXTREME pain in my back, hips, vag, legs and feet! I mean it was so bad i couldn't even move! They my hips locked up and gave out, i couldn't put any weight on them at all. They gave me morphine to take the pain away.... long story short... After being checked for a millions times they came t the conclusion that i have Syactic nerve damage (i believe thats how u spell it) the told me that because of the pressure and weight of the baby its putting way too much pressure on that nerve and thats what was causing my pain. So to make matters worst... it was nothing we could do about it but treat it with pain management. Because the baby is so far down. They wont induce me until i reach 39weeks (if i make it that long) so they discharged me with narcotic meds to take everyday until delivery. I was very hesitate about doing that because i was worried about the baby but the reassured me that he would be okay. So i have to take the pills just so i can be okay in a day, cause if i dont, on a scale of 1-10, my pain will be at a 40+! .... So ladies thank you for even still checking in on me... if im not on here as much thats why cause im doped up most of the day lol. Seems like the closer i get to delivery the more my body wants to shut down! I was gettin depressed about it all but ive been prayin a lot and my hubby has been great support so i'm tryin to hang in there! HOPE YOU ALL ARE DOING WELL ! :)

    By the way i will be 37 weeks on wednes so i'm tryin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, which is 2 weeks away lol! (39 weeks)
  • Thinking of you! Soon you will see that beautiful baby :)
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