4 weeks pp and still bleeding!!

edited July 2011 in First time moms
I had my baby four weeks ago and I'm still bleeding is that normal?


  • With my first I bled almost 6 wks I stop around 5 for like 2 days then got my period
  • How bad is the bleeding, anyway? Is it like a normal period? Heavier? Grosser? Sorry if those are TMI questions, but I'm nervous about having to bleed for that long. :/
  • First time momma here, and my mom and sister don't like talking about those kind of things.
  • That doesn't sound too concerning. I bled for 3 1/2 weeks with my first and it seemed like just when it was letting up I'd get too active or something because then it would start up again. So it could be that it's taking a little longer because you haven't been able to totally rest.
  • Everyone is different. Curious did you go past your due date? My first was early (due the 15, born 9) I bled for about a week and a half, maybe two. Second was past (due 15,born 20) and I bled until the 23/24 of the following month then got my period 5 days later! I have no idea if that has anything to do with it but I wonder..
  • @Mythica, those first couple of days was ridiculous...blood shed. Then it was like a normal period that seemed to never end. Then it was a lot lighter and mostly just annoying. No one wants to live in pads. Well I guess you could tampon it if you had a c section.
  • Hmmm I wonder about it mrs_shu cause my 1st was 5 days late.
  • edited July 2011
    I would call my Dr I was like that with my first and come to find out my delivering Dr had left placenta in me...however it cousin be nothing
  • @PebblesMommy thank you very much, ma'am. Another TMI question... Is it the same consistency? Or is it like... thicker? Thinner? I'm just nervous and curious to know what to expect. ^^; Sorry if my questions seem a bit gross. ^^;
  • For me the consistency was the same Mythica. It was just the flow that lasted longer. I had some cramping for several days too. When my real first period came back it was thinner and heavier though. What is yours like Lourdes26us1?
  • I'm so sorry girls!!!! I had some issues with my phone today :( @PebblesMommy, Mine is just pink some days then others is bright red and with blood clots. But its really light.
  • @mrs_shu, my baby was due July 9th but he was born on June 26th.
  • @Mythica, actually when I had the baby the first week I bled a little heavier than my regular period. But then on the second week I started bleeding lighter and pinkish. Then on the third week it was brownish and I passed a big blood clot (almost 2 inches long) sorry tmi :/ then I started bleeding red again.
  • @lourdes26us1 Ohh, okay. So it can be a bit random? Like... my period was always predictable in it's flow. Heavier than crap on the first two days, then moderate on day 3 and 4, light day 5, gone day 6, and back for a few hours lightly on day 7. Always the same. But yeah... random?
  • See, with it reappearing like that it could just be because you started doing too much too soon. But I dunno about that big chunk...Next time it starts to taper off and then reappears again, call your doc. Or if you start feeling sick, like feverish, go ahead and let them know cause there may be some placenta remnants or something causing you issues.
  • @lourdes26us1 well there goes that theory ;)
    @pebblesmommy no :( still need to wear boat size pads even with a csection
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