Braxton Hicks
These contractions are frustrating. I have them constantly and don't know how to get them to let up. Doctor keeps questioning me about if I'm drinking enough water and if I have a UTI. I've been a super water drinker since forever and I don't know what else to do. She also mentioned to pee often since my bladder could affect my uterus and cause the contractions.
Does anyone else have an extreme amount of Braxton Hicks? Is anything help alleviate the pain and pressure?
Does anyone else have an extreme amount of Braxton Hicks? Is anything help alleviate the pain and pressure?
The doctors seem to tell us we need to drink more water for everything! They told me that when i went in for fainting, they even ran tests to see if i was dehydrated and i wasn't but they gave me 2 liters of fluid anyway! Turns out i have hypotension... nothing to do with dehydration at all. Lol.
Have you taken antibiotics or other treatment for the yeast infection? Has it helped at all?
why does you doctor ask if you don't drink enough water or have a uti?> if you don't mind me asking..Cus don't you pee in a cup every appointment? and if weren't drinking enough water or had an uti wouldn't they detect that in your urine?
I walked in my doctors office about 2 weeks ago when I was getting them at work about 5+ an hour. Doctor checked and made sure I wasn't dilated and she said everything seemed good for now.
But its good that everything is okay!
It didn't really bother me on how they do things until recently. I had to get finger pricks done a couple times because someone "forgot" to write the glucose number on my file. And also I was scheduled an appointment for my 1 hour glucose test, and when I went in the nurse practitioner had no idea and then told me I wasn't going to have one done since my blood sugar was fine from my finger prick. I see a different midwife almost every time since they rotate shifts.