August Mommys

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I went to my doctors appt today and I am dilated to 1!! I am 36 weeks!! Anyone else dilating?


  • I was 2 cm dilated at 34 weeks, i dont know about now :( , my doctor decided he didnt wanted to check me until he feels like it.
  • How many weeks are u now? @janet_2011
  • @mommaof3inMI 36 weeks and 3 days
  • I'm 37 wks n at my 36 week appt not dilated, appt tomorrow but don't know if they'll check again?
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  • At 35 wks I was a "fingertip" lol. But now I'm 38 wks, and they don't check me, there's no point, I'm scheduled for a csec aug 2nd, and btw I'm in Michigan too! :)
  • I'm 37w2d. Dialated to a 2 come on baby!!!
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  • @mama_underpants @mommaof3inmi I'm in Michigan too! Only 33 weeks so I haven't been checked yet.
  • Im same as u@ 2600wifey I was not dilated at 36 week appointment either :( she could feel her head eaisly but that just explains my horrible pelvic pain. U think I would be dilating as much as she moves her head down there. I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow so I'll see......wish me luck!! If she doesn't get here by 39 weeks my dr will induce me. But I'm hoping I go naturally I don't wanna choose her birthday :-?
  • I'm 34+5, 1cm dilated, & my cervix are super soft. My due date is August 24th, but my doctor & the L&D nurses are giving me another week or two. :) I'm so excited! Now, it's time to start walking & squatting! Lol
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  • edited July 2011
    Never been checked, last appt was 2 weeks ago; have one on friday and I'm pretty sure she's dropped I'm making them check!!! Stupid drs! I'll be 36wks1day on friday
  • 37+3 with twins doc appointment this morning said I was dilated 1cm. They will induce on the first if they haven't arrived.
  • 38 weeks tomorrow still closed:-( have a dr apt fri I hope I'm making progress I'm huge
  • 37w3d & haven't been checked at all. I guess it doesn't matter since I'm having a csection anyways but I'd like to know if there's any chance of her coming sooner.
  • At 36weeks i was a 1.
    then at 37 i was a 2.
    I go back tomorrow for my 38week appt. hope im a 5 for them to keep me in lol.
  • 38 weeks and when they checked at my 36 week i was 1 1/2cm... I dont ave an appointment until the first though sooooo... Hopefully when i go in next nonday im progressing...
  • I'm 35+3 dr hasn't checked me and won't check me til 38 weeks! I hope by then I'm at least a 2! Or maybe I'll go into labor before then :) this is my 2nd baby
  • well im 38 weeks and last week i was 1cm
  • @mama_underpants where in michigan are u from?
  • I'm 38 weeks two days n I have been dialated to a 1 n a 1/2 to 2 cm for two weeks now n at 70%
  • I'm 37+2 went to doc yesterday and was told I'm 2cm dialated and %50 efaced I really hope she comes soon
  • I am getting a little frustrated. I am 37 +4 and at my last dr appointment I am nothing and still real high. She says she can barely even feel my cervix. How am I not progressing? It sucks!
  • @mommaof3inMI newport...... I have a beautiful view of fermi 2 lol
  • i get my cultures done next monday (36 wks) and i will be telling them while they are down there to just check out what's going on :D
  • Ill be 39 weeks on Friday just got checked today n am a loose 1 n 50% effaced but I have been like this since 36 weeks! Am so miserable already I wish my water would break so they would have to induce me...
  • Last week my Doctor checked me and I was at 1 centimeter. I went back today at 36 weeks and 3 days and now I'm at 3 centimeters! Crazy. Due on August 22nd. Trying to make it till Monday because I really want a August baby. =)
  • Not at all...and im 38 weeks 2 days! !! Grrrrr....
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