kidney stones and contractions

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
last night was pretty rough. im 37 weeks. yesterday after going for a walk i started having some discomfort which turned into a 'i have to pee constantly' feeling. at first i thought she was just low down in position pushing on my bladder but it didnt let up at all and by 11 i was running back and forth to the bathroom but finding no relief. by the time 12:30 rolled around i was also experiencing pain in my back on one side so i just said to hell with it and went to the ER. ive had kidney stones and urinary tract infections before and i figured its nothing to mess with especially while prego. so i went in and they admitted me and took a urine sample. they hooked me up to all the monitors and i discovered i was also having contractions. i didnt even realize that was going on. so they gave me an IV bag of fluids and a shot to stop the contractions. which it did for a little while but then they came back. also...they check my cervix and said i was only dilated to a 1 or maybe 1.5 and not effaced at all. after the first bag was empty and i was still having contractions they gave me another bag. oh yeah, and during the first they told me i had large amounts of blood in the urine but no abnormal bacteria so it was more likely a kidney stone. yay for me. ugh. finally released me at about 6am this morning. got maybe a few hrs sleep. i still feel like im going to pee myself and am barely making it to the bathroom in time. i have had a few minor accidents. im quite miserable. i just want all this to be over with. i just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar problems.


  • I'm sorry hum stones suck. I had my first 6 months prego with my 9 yr old I had to stay in the hospital for 9 days they wanted to put in a stint but I wouldn't let them because my husband was overseas. She was laying sideways and had bruised the kidney. I had 4 stones and one was huge I guess the finally passed they sent me home after an us that was in la area at my cousins her husband was on the ship with mine. I went home to san diego was there a week and was back in the hospital with stones on the other side spent 13 days that time. Good luck I hope you feel better
  • I went to the er at 33 weeks experiencing similar pain and the dr determined I had a kidney stone. They admitted me and gave me fluids and I was having contractions as well I had several bags of fluid to help flush the stone out. They gave me toradol for the pain in my iv and that was the only relief I really had before passing the stone even though they gave me morphine and percocet as well. The pain was The W0RST pain I ever had!!! My stone never showed up on ultrasound but the dr convinced I had one had the nurses strain my urine and I finally passed it four days later. I ended up in the hospital for a week due to complications with the babys aminotic fluid and cord prolapse. Now I'm on bedrest for rest of my pregnancy. The kidney stone was the worst and I feel for you hun. Drink tons of water!!! And I used a heating pad that seemed to help a bit on my back before I passed the stone. I had a lot of muscle tension around the area and I'm still having some soreness in my kidney three weeks later. The nurses said pain can cause contractions. Try and hang in there!! They compare it to child birth so you will def be able to compare the two!! If it gets worse I would def go back to the hospita!!!!
  • why did they give u a shot to stop contractions if u are 37 wks? i am just curious.
    im so sorry. i know what you are going through. i had kidney stones @ 27 wks with my first, and @ 28 wks then again @ 32 wks with my second. *knock on wood* none this pregnancy :D ( i better not have completely screwed myself typing that ;) ) with my second i found out i had ulcerative colitis and it was so severe after he was born i had my large intestine removed- but point is that i lost almost all abilities to hold anything the last couple weeks. im so sorry. i literally slept in the bathroom half the time because i couldnt make it from my bed 6 ft to the toilet.
  • the contractions weren't regular and I was onlly dilated to 1cm and not effaced. So it wasn't like I was in true labor. I'm till having contractions. The dr thinks I have or had a stone that may have caused a bladder infection and I should know by tomorrow or the next day at the latest when my urine culture comes back. In the meantime he just said drink lots of water. And that's what I'm doing. Trying to flush it out. It just sucks. I got only a few hrs not good sleep this morning and I'm tired and all I wanna do is sleep but I can't relax when I feel like I'm going to pee myself. :-( I passed a stone at 16 weeks too and they gave me toradol too. This time nothing. The pain was different.
  • Thank you guys. Its good to know I'm not alone.
  • Btw if there is an infection what do they do? Can I take antibiotics? Will this affect the birth?
  • I had surgery for kidney stones at 4 and 7 weeks pregnant and my son is ok. I was in the hospital for a few weeks off and on cuz I had a massive infection cuz the stone wouldn't let urine pass thru. Sometimes surgery is the best option even while pregnant cuz it can get bad really fast. Id schedule an appt with a urologist and even a nephrologist (kidney Dr) just to be on the safe side hun. Lemme know if u have more ?s I've dealt with these issues for 10 years.
  • aand yes there r many antibiotics for u to take while pregnant and no it doesn't affect baby. baby doesn't even know ways going on hehe.
  • I hope I don't need surgery. Im so close to delivery.I'm going to wait and see what the urine culture says. Won't know til tomorrow at the earliest though. In the meantime...water water water...*sigh*
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