vistaril (sp?)

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
What is the usual dosage? The l&d doc have it to me for contractions and on the bottle it says "take one every 6 hours as needed." Does that mean take one every six hours no matter what, or only when I need them, but no more than one in six hours? So confused!


  • I am on vistaril too, They told me to take every six hours no matter what.. but when your on vistaril you will sleep FOREVER! I had to stop taking it because i slept too long and i have a three year old to take care of. They made me sleep 16+ hours with just one pill. And im on vistaril because of contractions, Well i STILL had contractions, I didn't see the point for me to keep taking it.
  • I take 2 every 6 hours but mine is not for contractiond its for anxieity (sp?). It does not make me tired so I guess it depends on your body.
  • @frogingrovin what mg is yours? mine completely knocks me out.. lol
  • 50 mg 3 times a day @jamiesandefur.
  • Yeah, I took one the first night, and slept almost the entire next day.. I can't be doing that, and I don't have a toddler to take care of! Guess I'll just ask my regular doctor when I see her again..
  • @frogingrovin wow and you take two every 6 hours? I think i would never wake up if i took two.. i only took one a day and slept all day all night and pretty much all day the next day.. I was like omg this isn't working. I had to take it every other day and still felt so tired it was un real, So i just stopped it, and now im not as sleepy. Dr said they give it to people who have insomnia also, maybe you just had a high tolerance for it or i have a completely low tolerance.. that's crazy!
  • @jamiesandefur My Dr told me to take that and a fenergren(sp?) To sleep but nothing. I think my tollerance is through the roof LOL. She said it would knock the average person out.
  • @frogingrovin lol seriously. I took phenergan with my first child and i had a allergic reaction to it, it made me have a hard time breathing.. I would wake up not being able to breath. I believe i gave up on medicine, they say it helps but i think secretly there trying to kill me lmao. you must be bound to get no sleep what so ever, thats insane lol
  • At 37 weeks I will do whatever I can do for some shut eye. But I have yet to find that whatever. Nothing works LOL. I guess I will just have to wait 3 more weeks and hope i can get a full night. @jamiesandefur
  • @frogingrovin omg lol good luck to you!!! ill take a vistaril pill and throw all my sleep dust on you lol
  • @jamiesandefur that would be awesome! I can use it!!!
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