anyone else soooo hungry but not able to eat??

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
I can think of a million things that I would love to eat right now, but baby will just not have it. I can't eat a lot at all and my stomach hurts so bad from not having a full meal! It's been this way for weeks. As if my energy wasn't low enough!! This happen to anyone else?? What did you do? I can't do this much longer lol


  • I am having the same problem.
  • Yes I know how u feel but mine is the opposite nothing at all sounds goods to me as far as food goes and when I don't eat I just get nauseous and feel like crap. Most of the time I settle for fruit or soups something light just to get something in my tummy. Are u having naeusea is that y you can't eat? And for the energy maybe snack on some nuts or dry cereal
  • I had absolutely no appetite for 2 months. I forced myself to eat popcorn, and fruit(apple, grapefruit). i also put salt on everything and drank a gallon of watter a day. and turkey bacon and rice was always yummy and baby took it well.
  • Almost everything sounds absolutely disgusting to me. Grocery shopping is a nightmare. This pregnancy seems to be a replica of my first pregnancy. I don't get all of the fun food cravings like a lot of people do, I get food adversions.
  • Yea food adversions are no fun at all especially when my family all wanna go eat somewhere and nothing at all sounds good! I'm hoping the second trimester will be better
  • I am like that too. I eat a lot of little snacky things through out the day because even though I feel like I could a Thanksgiving feast, I can't eat a full meal without getting nauseated.
  • Its hard for me to eat and sometimes drink anything. I am constantly nauseated! And I never have an appetite. I force myself to eat. I don't always get sick either. Rarly in the morning I get sick. (Im 9 weeks)
  • Everytime I crave something n if I dont get it right away I dont want it anymore n if I try yo eat it, it just doesnt taste right.
  • I feel the same way everyone is describing!! It's terrible. I can only eat small things. I want so much food!!!! Does it ever get better?? Cause with my job, I'm always on my feet, and it makes me feel even worse!
  • My hunger gets intense but when it comes down to eating actual food I have zero appetite and have to force myself to eat it. I hate chicken, pizza, & cup noodle soups. I can eat sandwiches & salads, and cereal & fruit, that's pretty much it. I'm lucky that I don't have any nausea or morning sickness @ all, it's jus my non-existant appetite messin wit me...
  • @oc86 , I'm nauseous allllll the time.. all day. I get the worst hunger head aches and my stomach growls constantly! Wish I could eat more than ramen noodles and fruit! Lol
  • @bbymama17. Aw hope it gets better for u soon! I can't believe I got away wit the no morning sickness! But I'm only barely 8 wks, so I hope it doesn't decide to creep up on me!
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