BD recall

Pregnancy is a very trying event in a woman's life but with positive support and loving people surrounding you those 9 months breeze by. SO why can't my life run this course?! This has been the MOST stressful, depressing and tiresome I've been in my 21 years! I just want to enjoy my pregnancy like normal people do and not have drama over the stupidest things. The father of my child is the most troubling/bipolar human being I could have had sex with and accidentally procreated with! I can count on ONE hand how many times he's been supportive and caring concerning me as the mother of his child. The other hand and feet are the times I can count were he's treated me like a business partner/transaction over the last 8 months. One minute, he's calling me everyday being mush. 12 hours later, he has a girlfriend, can't remember he has a WHOLE child on the way and his phone doesn't work when I have an emergency! I wish God sent me a carfax on him before called myself being in love! What kind of normal person does that? If I had a receipt to him... I'd take his crazy a-word back to the nearest store and get a refund!


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  • Im sorry ur bd is being an a$$, & also im not laughing at you, but u made me laugh, car fax, refund, recall lol I wanna say most men r "dumb" thats a nice way to put it but don't let him stress you, hopefully he grows up n matures a bit for your n babys sake
  • edited July 2011
  • @letysfirst All you can do is laugh at this point. I just sit & look at myself in the mirror and question my choices in life when I deal with him! I have less than 7 weeks so that refund isn't gonna happen lol

    @mshahir the world would be a different place if it were possible
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  • @serenitysmommy Omgeee, you know you mature slower than normal people when you can cause someone to question their own mental status... lol I ask my mom every other day if I fell short on the common sense side & I'm just book smart. She laughs in my face because I'm so serious.
  • @yella_bell lol ur funny... Then men wonder y we get "emotional" "cry" "hormonal" its not cause we r just women, its cause of their crazy ass's! That's the only reason! I thank God my bd isnt a pain in my ass, I love him to death cause he aint dumb lol
  • @dncrcass Sad thing and Idek if I'd get much money back on him lol
  • @letysfirst We're emotional because we maybe just finding out that we ruined our own lives forever and still in love lol I cry all the time thinking about it! This is forever for real & not just 18 years then he's gone.
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  • @dncrcass lol that's cute. She'll have something to play with in his loving memory
  • can u do that? :p
  • Lol I wish! Wal-mart would be my first stop.. they'll take back anything :-D
  • Walmart would be booming with returns lol!!! I would cut in line, fight my way to the front just to get rid of him lol!!!i know thats sad huh???
  • @mybabe lmao I'd be right there with you. He'd be broken in two pieces tho. I'd jus say he came that way!
  • Child support can be your refund :D
  • @Mybabe I'm camping outside Walmart customer service desk :D
    @MommyLovesSparkle I wish! lol we're both students aka actively broke & he's a frickin' ball player too so my child support won't be here until the season is over next April :/
  • How long have you known him?
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  • @MommyLovesSparkles ikr :( thank God for my family until the
    @YNVTish 2 years
    @thehumancrockpot lol thanks & my lord that would b helpful
  • The way you wrote that. Priceless. I pray things will get better for you.
  • Sorry to hear that, hun. Falling in love is great...falling out sucks. How old is he? Not that it really matters...hopefully he will grow when your baby comes. At least you got your sense of humor to overcome this ;-)
  • You stole the words right out of my mouth!!!! Sheesh! Well I really hope things get better for you :) just remember the night is darkest right before the sun rises stay positive :) don't let him pull you down!
  • @Fate Thank you :)

    @JesseDenver Tell me about it. I'm a year & 7 mths older than he is but I highly doubt this magical growth & he's leaving for NC for school 3-4 weeks before my DD therefore I have to laugh to keep from crying since I'll be completely alone soon

    @charliebby1116 I know but he makes me feel like I wear sunglasses 24/7 so its harder to see! But clearly everything happens for a reason so I hope I learn one heck of a lesson that blows my socks off! :)
  • Sorry girl.. Hes an ass! But wen that babys born your gonna know why God led u to his pittiful ass.. U wont question it.. My babies are my world and I wouldnt change all the bullshit in the world that ive been thru.. Cause it led me to the blessings I have now.. Hes probably just another lesson in your life o_0
  • Honestly, I can't even blame God for this situation but I'm glad he allowed it & I got something so special out of it for my ignorance :)
  • that's the best kind of recall there should be :)
  • I know right! lol
  • @yella_bell i know i said it wrong.. or it came out wrong.. i know thats not what you ment girl.. if only there were and easy botton.. lol :-))
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