Yes the contraction , i guess i was in so much pain from all the contraction that when she came out wasnt tha painfull at all even that i tear, after her head was out i didnt feel her come out . my baby is 11 weeks old and if i would have to do it again i would, its a good and unique expirence, so if u planning in to go natural go for it ,u can do it , =] @kennedymonroe11
@beautiful_altar will hospitals allow you to walk around until you have to push? and im also very scared of csecs...did you have a csection due to complications?
I'm 5 days away from my due date and I'm not scared at all I'm really looking forward to this exspierence. But mommies what is a way to keep ur mind of the contractions?
Warm water is really soothing on the contractions. With my first i planned to have a water birth and the water really helped with contractions. I had to hop out when it was time to push koz it got too hot for me. Also it hurt less on all fours opposed to on your back. And it feels like your pushing a huge boulder out your vagina lol so damn sore but def worth it. Oh and do kegel exercises everyday
This will be my seventh baby without any medicines is doable. You have to be mentally prepared to go into it telling yourself the whole time i can do this. Each labor for me was slighly different...some of my babies came while i stood in the door while they set up my bed...two came so quickly i tore straight through to my recctum...and two were pretty horrifying long drawn out scary matter what i went through with each of them i was in control...i made the choices...i told them the doctors how it would be, i personally love to labor in a hot tub...i also breath deep and slow no noise...i don't like lights on or people touching me or talking to me at all and i think visually of he baby descending down my. Birth really just have to go into it with th e right frame of mind and relax...freaking out and screaminfmg does no good for will feel like superwoman when your done. Good luck.
I had been terrified of the epidural too but after 20 hours 16 of them being pumped with pictocin and two hours of sleep I begged for one glad I did cuz I had 10 more hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing to go at first I felt like a failure as a woman not doing it naturally but my bf was super supportive and an amazing coach
I labored through the night it was just me and my mom and it was almost completely silent. She rubbed my head and I laid in bed. When I started to push it was a great experience. I was the only woman giving birth so all the nurses came to help or watch.(they asked and I said I didn't mind) we were all in happy moods and they were all supporting me saying I could do it and push just a little harder. after my midwife got my sons head out I pulled him out the rest of the way. I was naked so I put him on my bare chest and he didn't cry or anything. He looked at me and just smiled they cleaned him off while he was still on my chest then cut his cord and took him away to weigh him and he screamed when they gave him back to me he was silent again. It was so peaceful and a great experience I felt so comfortable through the whole process and I wasn't scared at all.(even tho it was my first time staying calm made it so easy for me which took away my fear) I hope everyone's stories help you and ease your mind
Wow some really encouraging comments in here! I have been very pro epi my whole pregnancy, but with 5 weeks to go i am getting braver by the day to give natural my all i think! You pregly ladies are amazing for offering encouragement!
You are going to do great! Remember to breathe through the contractions. Just let them happen. Don't fight them or tense up it will make it worse. Try to think of something calming and focus on that. Also if you can get a meditation cd to listen too. Maybe some lavender oil on cotton balls to smell to help relax. The cd I recomend is andean dreams. Its the one I will listen to while I birth. Remember pain and discomfort is normal during labor it doesn't mean anything is wrong. As a woman your body is set up to give birth. Trust your body to know what to do.
My classes was at this building that was down the street from the hospital. And I also learned that ANY medical intervention can increase c section by 50/50 for ftm. And the average labor is 14 hr. And its best to stay at home during early labor. Come to hospital when contractions are 10 min apart that way you come to the hospital with 3 or 4cm. If you live a long time from hospital then come before it reaches that.
Prepare mentally, the book Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan Mccutcheon is great. It gives you excercises that will help your body prepare for labor and put baby in good position. Also remember you can be in pain but don't have to suffer, just think all the contractions are bringin your baby closer to birth! Make sure you know your rights so they don't push any unneeded interventions on you. For example if your water breaks you don't need to be induced just take you temp every once in awhile and keep everything out of your vagina to reduce the risk of infection. Also I'm refusing vaginal exams, they put you on a timeline and don't really gage your progress you can be at a 4 for days then all a sudden your ready to push! Emotional signposts work better. Anyway just try go in as prepared as possible and confident! Good luck mama!
Find things to distract you. I brought in my ipod speakers, and put all my favorite feel good tunes on there. I also had my boyfriend and my mom with me, who are both very relaxed and funny people, do they knew how to joke around with me. Also. When things got worse, I hopped in the shower at the hospital (bring plastic flip flops if you wanna do this) and had it on as hot as possible for over an hour. When it was time to push, I wanted the control. So I put people around me how I wanted to (my mom holding my back, my bf holding my knee, and me doing the counting) I also asked my nurses lots of questions. Anything and everything they did, I wanted to know what and why. Asking in a nice way, they were more than happy to give me details. Having that knowledge made a world of difference in relaxing me. So even when my daughters heart rate dropped to 70bpm from 140bpm and I was looking at a possible c section, I was able to relax my body enough for my daughter to be good enough for a vaginal delivery.
two were pretty horrifying long drawn out scary matter what i went through with each of them i was in control...i made the choices...i told them the doctors how it would be, i personally love to labor in a hot tub...i also breath deep and slow no noise...i don't like lights on or people touching me or talking to me at all and i think visually of he baby descending down my. Birth really just have to go into it with th
e right frame of mind and relax...freaking out and screaminfmg does no good for will feel like superwoman when your done. Good luck.
When it was time to push, I wanted the control. So I put people around me how I wanted to (my mom holding my back, my bf holding my knee, and me doing the counting)
I also asked my nurses lots of questions. Anything and everything they did, I wanted to know what and why. Asking in a nice way, they were more than happy to give me details. Having that knowledge made a world of difference in relaxing me. So even when my daughters heart rate dropped to 70bpm from 140bpm and I was looking at a possible c section, I was able to relax my body enough for my daughter to be good enough for a vaginal delivery.
Oh I also recommend water! Labour is hard work!