Yeah that's what they all keep saying for me too! I have two boys I was kinda hoping for a lil girl. But hey I'll love my little one regardless! Good luck on Friday and thank you again for taking the time to do this for everyone. I should know this by now but I can't remember at how many weeks you can find out the age? How many weeks are you?
This is basically like the chinese calander thing. I actually went to th rite aid and bought a test that will tell you what ur having and so far every test I've done has said a boy and so did the test. Im 10 weeks 5 days. We will see but im hoping for a boy!!!! Its all come back a boy and I've done like 6 different gender tests. Lol im anxious to know.
Yeah its based on the chinese calender thing only a little more specific for its using the day u were born not just your age & the day of conception not just the month