@Mgrose..your in for a treat! It was 11 years since I brought a newborn home. I am loving it this time around. Idk I have more patience now in my latter 30's and even tho i'm a single mom I feel blessed!
Yeah depending on your hospital and even insurance its like a day and a half to 2 days for no complication vaginal. It can be shorter if things go quick and very well.
If things go smooth w a vag birth they will most likely try to get u to go home the next day but by law they have to let u stay 48 hours. With my first i spent a week in the hospital because i had major complications, w my second it was quick and easy i went home next day. I had lots of help tho. W my last one we had just moved 1200 miles from family and i was scared to go home w a newborn, 18 month old and 4yr old so i stayed as long as i could...lol!
Csec 3-5 days
@everyone else thank you so much I just wanted to make sure I was prepared October is only 10 weeks away thank goodness lol