labor dust isn't working! I feel lile im the only july mom left! :(

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I see almost all july mommies have given birth. Even some that were due at the same time as me. Iam 39w4d and nothing! I lost my mucus plug a few days bck and that's it. I'm swimming, walking, having sex, nipple stimulation.....and nada! Did any of you guys do something special or did it just happen? how many july mommies left? Every day I see like 3 delivery post. I want to hold him!!!!!!!!!!!


  • I'm 40 weeks today, and still nothing. Just want to meet the little guy now. Have been trying all sorts to encourage him out, but nothing has worked yet :( xxx
  • My daughter was 6 days late! I really didn't want him to pass 40weeks ... I start to get very emotional. Its now and I can't sleep. I really hope u have him soon. I dnt know about u but I will not miss being preg.!!!!
  • I'm due in 3 days and my cervix is still high and closed. I've done everything too..
  • I'm due Sunday but I'm 3cm and 75% sence last Thursday still nothing i lost my plug and had my bloody show still nothing
  • Have loved every second of it, as it hasn't been a particularly uncomfortable pregnancy etc, but just want it to be over with now. Want to get back to 'normal' and start bringing up our baby. A little impatient, in case you couldn't tell!! ;) fingers crossed he comes soon. Have membrane sweep next week, if he isn't here yet xx
  • I hated being on pregly when I saw all the July mamas giving birth and mines was overdue. You're almost there though. Good luck!
  • Due date is tomorrow, Im anxious and getting a bit depressed. Ive been losing my mucus plug over the last couple weeks, i had bloodshow on Saturday and my Dr said I was 1 1/2 dialated and 70% effaced. Ive been very sore, having loose stools just overall lousy. Im so ready to be done, she needs to come already we are all waiting for her!!! Good luck ladys...
  • I was 39w4d today when I gave birth..... Try ruby red grapefruit juice that really jump started my contractions...... Labor Dust sent your way
  • I feel you I due Sunday and don't see any sign of labor. Had my doc appointment today n social said if he's not here by Tuesday he will be inducing me Tuesday night so I really hope he comes on his own...
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  • I'm due on Saturday. I don't think she will ever come out. I don't think I have even lost my plug yet! :-(
  • I'm due today and Monday I was only like a finger dialated. I go back Friday and hopefully am dialated more. I'm thinking the same thing that he doesn't wanna come out I think he's too comfy!
  • Due sat.. 4cm,effaced,-2, had membranes swept, lost plug, bloody show, and a few contractions ..dr appt thur well sched to enduce then. Watch well all have our babies on the same day cheering each other on!
  • Same here ladies. I lost my plug Saturday and I am 2 cms dialated and he's making no signs of coming out!! ;( I want him to come nowwww lol
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  • sorry ladies i know from exp it sucks to be so close and also how it feels to go over.. so i feel for you.. just know your day is comeing realy soon.. i mean days away for some of you.. i went 10days over with both my boys and praying this lil guy doesnt do the same.. ugh.. but im prepared for the worst.. lol.. i tryed everything and still had to be induced.. these babys can be stuborn
  • My baby came when he was ready. I was 3cm at my appt last Wed and had started losing bits of my mucus plug that Tuesday. I went walking Tues & Wed and bounced on my exercise ball. I had Braxton Hicks all day Thursday, and they were pretty consistent. Once they were 5 min apart for 4 hrs, I went to the hospital. Unfortunately, they checked me & I was still 3cm. The contractions slowed down for the rest of the night. Then Friday a.m. around 3:45, I started feeling mild contractions again, about 10-15 minutes apart. At 7:00, I decided to start timing them. They were 4-5 min apart!

    Just a reminder that your labor can start out of the blue at anytime now! Baby can't stay inside forever. :)
  • Maybe your baby wants to b born August 1st so he/she is waiting lol. That's what I did w my mom ;)
  • Getting really painful aches in my back, accompanied by my stomach tensing up (like with b hicks), and pain near my vajayjay-its happening every ten minutes, and waking me up. Hope it develops into something-what do you reckon? This is my first time, so don't know what to expect? X
  • @samsue86... i would advise the same thing I would be told! Drink lots and lots of water, try taking a bath or a nice hot shower on ur back. Its probably the babys head moving in position. Your body will let u know something more is going on.

    I tried pumping today for a few minutes. That caused a small trigger of contractions but nothing. I'm gonna continue pumping even if it doesn't work! My boobs are dry.. I wonder how some women leak before the baby comes?

    @jay_brad... maybe he would be an aug 1stbaby!!! :)
    I have a docs appntmnt today and I pray there's some exciting news!

    And @ mya218 .... you left me behind! :( we had the same due date!! Babys can stay inside for ever :( :( I swear the longer this baby stays in, the more I become a big baby! Lol

    And to all my july Mamis... I hope we get to see and hold our precious babys very sooooon. May we have safe deliverys! At this point I don't care if I'm in labor for 3 days... as long as we both safe!. ..........(please God don't let me or any of us be in labor for 3 dys) :)
  • Oops!! Correction....@mya218 !
  • I'm still here 40weeks today bad contractions here atm let's hope there the real deal
  • @mlizzy194 Trust me, I know how frustrating it is. My first two babies went past their due date. I wasn't expecting it because all of the other females in my family went to about 38 weeks. I was so anxious and it was KILLING me! With this baby, I wanted him to come before his due date but I wasn't expecting him to. I was very patient and told myself he'd come when he was ready. I'm still in shock that he came at 38+5! Maybe my due date was wrong because he was in the same weight range as my other children and he also had a bowel movement while inside.

    I hope you all will let labor start naturally and not induce (unless medically necessary). It's better for you and the baby if it starts on its own, and it's a joyous experience when you let nature take its course. ;)
  • 40 weeks nada
  • Just got home from the docs.... Im 3cm and 70%.affaced!!! I hope he comes within 24hrs!!
  • All of u mommies.... try the cinnamon teA!!

    Go to produce sec at groc store.. buy a pack of cinnamon sticks($1.29) boil water with 2-3 sticks in it... When water is brownish lookn...drain out only the cinnamon watr(tea) to a cup and add sugar to your taste...
    Do NOt reuse same sticks again for more tea since it looses its flavor the first boiling.
    It is 100% safe and if bby is ready it should bring conttction that day...
    100% SSAFE TO BBY!!
  • Good luck! I was 3cm last Wednesday and had him that Friday morning! Go for a long walk and do some light bouncing on an exercise ball if you have one. I hope baby will be here soon! :D
  • I'm a December 1st baby ;;) good luck dear I hope my little one isn't stubborn !
  • Still here, due date was yesterday. Im 2 cent, 70% effaced. Blah...but good luck my ladies...I say we blame our bd they got us preggo. :b
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