natural vs medical
First time mom here,
im asking all of you moms who have delivered before, why was your birth ideal, if it did not go as planned, was something other than what you wanted as bad as you had imagined?
As soon as i found i was pregnant, i knew i wanted an epidural. I am starting to wonder if i would be able to tough out delivering without medical intervention. It would be nice, but i am terrified that i will decide im able to handle it and i get too far into it and then want to die due to the pain. Lol.
Look forward to hearing all of your responses.
im asking all of you moms who have delivered before, why was your birth ideal, if it did not go as planned, was something other than what you wanted as bad as you had imagined?
As soon as i found i was pregnant, i knew i wanted an epidural. I am starting to wonder if i would be able to tough out delivering without medical intervention. It would be nice, but i am terrified that i will decide im able to handle it and i get too far into it and then want to die due to the pain. Lol.
Look forward to hearing all of your responses.
Baby#1 - I had been in labor for 3 days. By the time my contractions were close enough for me to go to the hospital I was so exhausted. Got the epidural because I was progressing slowly and it would allow me to relax and rest to gain a little energy for when it was time to push.
Baby#2 - I had terrible back labor, although my labor progressed pretty quickly the back pain was more intense than the contractions. I got the epidural when I was at a 7. I am so glad that I did! My son was face up instead of face down so his head didn't want to glide through the birth canal like it should. I had to push for over 2 hours and even though I had an epidural I could still feel the pain in my pelvis. I can't imagine how it would have been without.
Baby#3 - Was an induction with pitocin, which made me have the most intense contractions of all 3 deliveries. I can't imagine delivering without pain help.
Now I've seen plenty of stories from women who were able to do an induction without the epidural or have home births with very little to no medical help. For me... I wanted to be in a position where all of my options are available to me. I am of the opinion that a "birth plan" is more of a guideline! I reserve the right to change the plan at any point in labor.