breastfeeding and daddy?
I strictly breastfed my son...he's 8 now...I did pump and freeze just incase I had to be away for any length of time. He only had a bottle once and he hated it. Well now that I have a daddy to help out and want to bond with baby we're gonna be doing the whole bottle thing. I used the bags to store the breast milk but I'm reading up on it all and I'm reading a lot of complaints about them leaking. So I found a bottle system thing with a rack and looks really easy as you can pump right into the bottle and store it and then use the bottle to feed. So now I'm looking into bottle warmers. I'm wondering if you can use a bottle warmer to thaw the milk along with warming it or should it be thawed before? and does thawing it inside a bottle instead of a bag make a difference. I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for daddy during the night so maybe I might get a chance to sleep. Any suggestions??
as for bonding with baby, i would nurse and hubby would burp. OR i would nurse and burp and he always put the baby to sleep or something like that. so that he got some close one on one time with baby.
@survivormommie3 lol how long does it take to thaw in the bowl?
@mommy_yaya that's a good long does it take to thaw it in the water in the thermos?
I also found these trays that you can freeze the milk in 1 oz sticks so you can just grab the number if sticks you want and they seem like they would thaw a lot faster. Has anyone used the sticks before?
@redhead25 I wish I could give advice. But I'm still learning myself with all the breastfeeding stuff
@sunshinelove and @minirip lol that would be awkward bc he's at the stage now that if he sees a girl showing cleavage (on tv) he says I can see her boobs.