...Breast Feeding

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
Im umm Confused..
At first I was exited and 100% sure I wanted to breast feed. But now that its so close I'm getting kindda cold feet about it.. Is this normal? With my first I tried to breast feed but he didnt like it, i even pumped and tried it in a bottle but it didnt work.. and now just by the thought of him sucking on my boob makes me all "eww" inside, is this ok for me to feel or am I getting depressed?


  • it's ok. i felt the same way. nothing in this world would have told me i would have breastfed, but later in my first pregnancy i thought i would try. i was/am very insecure iwth myself so i would kill someone if they tried to watch me nurse.
    the closer it got i had to talk myself into it. when she arrived and latched it was heaven. i was so happy.
  • My sister didn't breastfeed with her son and when I told her I planned on breastfeeding she was completely grossed out by it! I think what you're feeling is completely normal! If you're super worried talk to your doctor for reassurance :) but every mother and women is different so just go with what feels right when the time come :)
  • I'm due in about 6 days now and I was so sure I wanted to breast feed I bought no bottles or anything and I'm starting to feel the same way so I went out and bought some bottles last night....just in case.... I normally only hear horror stories about cracking nipples!
  • Im more afraid he wont want to latch.. or something like that.. what if i pump and give him in a bottle? Would that be about the same.. i wanna be able to feel the bond but to be honest i feel judged by my family since i didnt with my first they keep putting me down cause i want to do more for my liddo one this time..
  • i admit the first couple weeks can be sore. but if you and baby learn to latch on correctly it cuts down on the pain and cracking, etc. looking back i know my second didn't latch correctly, and that's how i ended up in so much pain. the lactation nurse should come in to see you during your hospital stay and if insurance/ hospital allows you can make an appt to go in any time during your breastfeeding time.
  • Talk to the lactation nurse!! Seriously!! My baby latched on right away but i have smaller breasts and by the third day i was sore, turns out she wasnt taking in enough of my breast at a time. So the nurse deonstrated and then i got it! Honestly the first week is hard. But, using the lanolin cream when they get sore and pushing through it, after the first week it didnt hurt at all!! Im now in my third week and it just feels like tugging. No pain :) they surely do leak though! Lol
  • That's how I was with my first but when he came around I tried it and loved it! First week was pain in the butt ofcourse but it got better with practice. It just gives u this bond with ur baby...but every mother is different. Great luck Hun!
  • Idk lol some horrible sounding traumatic event in which your nipples bleed! Ahhhhh
  • Thank you ladies.. i will deff keep trying(:
  • My nipples are kinda flat and when I was at the hospital they gave me a nipple shield it works great for me and he latches on with no problem.
  • If you are going to breast feed you need to know that right off the bat the baby isnt going to be perfect at latching etc.. neither will you. It takes time.
    So if you wanna breast feed dont doubt yourself! Because it takes practice! & paitence ;-)
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