Aww congratulations! ! I am going for a vbac too!!! Let me know how things turn out for u and baby...please?!? I had 2csections so this will be my 1st vbac. I sure hope all is well. ;-)
Ugh had a HORRIBLE nurse all day and keeps pushing for a c- section and wasn't encouraging at alllllll. Hope I can still pull off the vbac...update later... :-(
it's ok sweetie. you can do this! unless a health risk is presented, there is no reason you can't do this! my first was 20 1/2 hrs of long hard labor!!! you can do it!!!!!!!!
Greatest luck sweetie! Let me know how vbac goes Cuz I want it so bad but docs wont let me labor sucks I know...I was in labor for 2 days so hold on sweetie ur almost there! keep us updated.
Try to stay calm sweetie, babies take time. Sending you calm & positive labor/delivery thoughts.