what the heck is this?

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I keep having these horrible pains in my stomach and it keeps getting hard. And its kinda hard to breathe and i feel like I might shit myself when this is happening. Is this a braxton hick?


  • I will be 34 weeks tomorrow and i don't want to go to the hospital if this isn't serious because I'm at work.
  • It is braxton hicks if u have less than 6 per hour so time them
  • If they're painful...I don't think that's braxton Hicks. Im 34 weeks and I have bracton Hicks but they're not painful, my stomach gets hard and its kinda tightening/crampy. How many have you had in an hour?
  • Ok thank you @momof22be
  • Oh yea braxton hicks, they always take my breath away! My dr says 5 or more an hour to go in
  • @Cait_SeptemberMommy I have no idea...I'm going to start keeping track now
  • @chels well I know doctors are different, but mine has told me if I have 4 or more in an hour to go into l&d. Has your doctor told you how many to look out for?
  • @Cait_SeptemberMommy my Dr has never even talked to me about this before..
  • could be... i would just sit with your feet up, drink some water and if they dont stop within a half hour or so .. you might think about going to l&d
  • I'm having the same thing but, i just lost my mucous plug a few hrs ago!!!
  • @ashley_happy how far along are you?? I think I lost my mucous plug like last week, I'm in sooo much pain but still nada!
  • @chels that's weird! My dr tells me at every visit
  • I lost most of my plug last week on Thursday but nothing but the vajaja pain now and then this is the seccond time I have lost my plug it will regenerate if u lose it too early most times I know it sucks
  • @lily_glz all my doctor says is...how do you feel blah blah blah and then she does the.dopler and tells me to come back in 2 weeks.
  • Booo.. that sucks. Mine asks a ton of questions and reminds me of thing that may happen that are reasons to go to hospital or call the dr office to be seen
  • (From what I've been told) If they are Braxton Hicks they should stop when you change your activity. I was told that if I'm laying down when I get them, to stand up and walk around, or vice versa. If they don't stop then they are the real thing but if they do then it is just a false alarm.
  • @lily_glz I'm 35 weeks! Had a doctors appointment monday! My doctor said I'm full term and that she can come at anytime and he.ll deliver! I'm super big though like in the tummy!
  • I'm 36 weeks :\ I had a dr appt Monday I feel huge but dr didn't say wnything diff, she won't check my cervix til 38 weeks! Ugh
  • Yeahh he checked mee I'm dialated 1cm 25% effaced!.. @lily_glz
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