
edited July 2011 in Pregnant
My son will be 2 in september. He still used his soother, but only when going to sleep. I'm trying to break him of it, but he screams and screams and won't sleep. I don't know if I should just let him cry it out or wait until he's a little older.


  • He still uses his soother*
  • What's a soother?
  • a pacifier = soother
  • Have you tried giving him rewards for not sleeping with it? My dad got my sister to throw hers in the trash by telling her that Santa doesnt bring toys to big girls who use a pacifier! She threw it away that night!
  • Oh. I call it a "na-na" lol. Id wait till he understands getting rid of it. Offer it to him less.
  • we used to jus keep it out of my nephews sight n if he cried his mother used to jus lay wit him n he was around 1.5yrs
  • how about finding something that is really comforting and allow him to go buy it, with the understanding that the pacifier is being "stashed away" for the new baby (or for any other baby) because babies really need some too! may be coax him with "well bubby/sissy really needs one, and i think it would mean the most if you actually gave all of yours to them. and then every time baby has it you can tell baby 'your big brother gave that to you with love'"
  • Thanks for the ideas ladies! I just tried cutting the tip off and telling him that they are broken. He is still crying, but I think he might sleep. I just feel so bad for letting him cry it out.
  • I couldnt imagine how hard it is to listen to your son cry. I hope you find something that works. He is only 2 maybe he isnt ready to part with the object that brings calm to his life.
  • I told my 2 year old that there were babies out there that needed them to help them sleep while their daddies were on deployments. She let me donate them. Hasn't used them since.
  • @ashley_smashley I gave up and gave him one. He just doesn't understand. I will try again next month, and the month after that until he gives it up. Thanks for the advice.

    @katiep8610 I wish something like that would work for me, but he just doesn't seem to understand why he can't have it. I tried talking him through it but no success.
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