how much of everything should I buy?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I only have three months left and I want to get everything I need now! So far all I have is..
2 packs of newborn diapers 84 in each (pretty sure I got too many)
4 packs of sensitive skin wipes (total of 320 wipes)
1 jar of healing ointment
1 crib set
1 quilted waterproof crib cover
Baby health care/groomilg kit
6 4oz bottles
9 9oz bottles

I know I need a lot more but I'm curious about how many packs of each size diapers I'll need!


  • you can never have too many wipes...i still use them with my 2 1/2 year old and hes completely potty trained...your list looks pretty good to may want to get some size 1 diapers just in case your baby is big
  • edited July 2011
    Plenty of onesies you'll be changing them thoughout the day
  • @kalasthename do you have a guess of how many size 1 packs I'll go through?
  • @Supermom405 how many newborn size ones should I get? And is there a cheap place to buy them? I'm on a tight budget!
  • my baby was little so he was in size 1 for a while...i probly went through 4 of the big cases from sams club...
    and walmart is the best place to buy diapers...i use their store brand which are comparable to pampers and i love them...they even have newborn size and theyre about $5.50 a pack where im from
  • I've been through 4 packs of 120 size 1s ans shell probably go through 1 more of then.
  • Word of advice don't buy a lot of newborn clothes my lil girl had 10 newborn outfits wore thrm once she was eight pounds eleven ounces at birth 9 pounds 9 oz at two weeks
  • @kalasthename I forgot about sams club! I've heard the store brand leaks really bad, so I'm scared to buy them but I'm sure all diapers will leak a little. I bought pampers swaddlers newborns at target $20 for a pack of 84
  • i used to buy cases of the walmart ones for $13...i think was like 72 or something when my son was in a size 4...i never ever had a problem with them leaking
  • @EiralynnesMommy was she small when she was born? I'm thinking about just buying a pack in bulk from sams club

    @Rissalee7 were you washing her clothes every night? I'm a ftm and I'm afraid I'll buy too much of everything
  • @pawgio she was 9lbs, 10oz. She didn't fit in newborn clothes at all. Size 1 diapers are from 8-12 pounds. I would suggest maybe 3 large packs of those, and only 1 pack of newborn diapers unless you have a small baby
  • @EiralynnesMommy hopefully I can return anything I don't use. I'm only 18 I've heard when you're a teen mom you tend to have smaller babies, do you know if that's true?

    @2ndbutfirst that's a great deal! I have sams I think there's a costco a couple cities over though
  • Im 19 and my son was 8ibs 12.7 oz. the age of the mom doesnt matter.. He was able to wear maybe 1pack of newborns before we had to put him in size 1diapers. My son peed alot. A box of 108 luvs for 16.99 id say lasts us a week maybe less.hes 3months old and already wears 3-6 months clothes. They grow fast!you should be able to return or exchange diapers or clothes.hope I helped :)
  • I have bought 2 packs of newborn, 2 packs size 1, and 2 packs of size 2! I also was over whelemed with how many of which size to buy so I bought some of each just incase lol and lots of butt paste
  • crib, crib sheets X3, changing table (if you choose to have one), changing pad, changing pad coversX2, onesiesX10-15, diapers and wipes- or gift cards so u can buy them, blankets and receiving blanketsX8, diaper pail, diaper cream, diaper bag, pjs/night gowns/ swaddlers, socks, hats, mittens, hooded towels (optional), wash cloths, baby wash, baby lotion, pacifiers, gum cleaner, car seat + base, stroller, breast pads + lansinoh (if planning to breastfeed), boppy/ nursing pillow, breast pump + drop in's, nursing cover, baby sling/ carrier, baby bathtub, rocker/ glider, baby monitor, high chair/ booster, bottles, sippy cups, hygiene kit: nail clippers/ aspirator etc, thermometer, bibs, bowls/spoons/ fork, swing, bouncy seat, bottle brush, teething rings, soft books.
    also you can go to target registry or something and they have "suggested" items
  • I had asked a similar question. Mine was what size of each diaper I'd need. Some one suggested putting money on a card to somewhere so that you have money saved up towards diapers only. That way you don't have too many diapers or the wrong size and you can buy them as needed. Plus if it's on a card you'll be less tempted to spend it. That's what we are doing for our diaper needs. We have enough diapers in size newborn and 1 to at least start us off.
  • edited July 2011
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  • @simplyraven22406 I know what you mean! with my first she was 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 1/2" newborn clothes are usually only 5-8 lbs and up to 20".... she was too long to fit in any of the clothes. and same with my son. he was 8 lbs 11 oz and 22"- no way he was going to fit into any newborn!!!
  • No she out grew them quickly plus as hot as its been she's almost been in only a diaper most of the time
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  • @pawgio sorry took so long but you should only buy a few newborn but 0-3 mos is a + because babies grow fast
  • It really depends on your baby though, they estimated my baby would be almost 8 lbs and she was 6 lb 12 oz. Shes two nd a half weeks old and were half through our 4th pack of newborn diapers. 36 in each pack. Id say the best thing is to buy yourself gift cards for the diapers rather than stocking up. Xuz you just never know how your particular bby will be. & i know a lot of girls that get too much of a certain thing
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  • We used about 60 newborn diapers but needed and still use newborn sleepers. We had 7 sleeps and that was plenty. We only had about 5 newborn onesies and 3 outfits. My son is 7 wks now 12 lb 8 oz and is fitting comfortably in 0-3 month clothes. We prefer the carters jumpsuits that snap up the front. They are easier to dress him in ;)
  • she is 3 weeks and we're on our third bix of 72 newborn diapers. she is a small baby (5.14 when she was born).. its best to buy jus a few things before and than go shopping after baby is born so u know exactly what sizes u need in everything.. do u have a 'once upon a child' around u? Its a gently used baby store. I love it
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