I had it with my first daughter. I stayed in bed till time to go to work ( I had to be at work at 2pm ) then when I got off I went to bed and stayed in bed till time for work again. When I was off, which was one day a week... I would sleep.. all day. I didn't talk to anyone at work, or home. I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I'm nervous because I'm having my second little one Tuesday.. just don't want to go through that again. I hope your not going through it.
See I got a new primary dr and I don't like her so I wonder if my midwife will help me. What did they do for treatment?
I think I have anxiety as it is but this isn't it. I love my kids but I feel like I'm not loving the second as much and I feel weird. I want that connection but feel like I'm being blocked at times. Its scaring me. Could that be it? Or do I have normal second time mom jitters?
I didn't tell my Dr I was depressed. I wouldn't admit it. I felt like that's a weakness and was embarrassed that I was weak. I know that sounds all kind of messed up. But that's what I felt like then. I wish I was more help, It could be the second mom jitters too.. I would talk to your Dr that you like and see what they say.. don't be like I did and not say a word. I was dumb for that.
Maybe I just need my oldest to tell me its okay to love amirah as much as I love her. I just don't want to take amirah for granted and god take her from me
After I had my second child I felt all sorts of messed up, one doc tried putting me on pills (which I never took, didn't feel right) turned out that I had an over active thyroid. But with my first I wanted to end life, having a gun in my possession. I didn't know how to buy bullets..seriously the only thing that stopped me from following thro.
I'm not the oh my god I'm depressed type but I swear after I had my babyboy I would get anxiety like it was weird I would feel so anxious and nervous sometimes I felt like pulling my hair and screaming! I would start to cry for no reason and I would forget to eat. I never slept just layed in bed. It was just so weird. I started to notice the weirdness so I started to get up try to do things even though it was impossible (csection) but I snapped out of it luckily
I suffered through it with my first born, and I suffered for 18 months! It got to where I was suicidal, I was always thinking of how I could hang myself. No meds worked for me, I went through 5 different anti depressants and maxed out on dosage. It was the ugliest, darkest time of my life and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
I have had nothing but issues since I was pregnant and had my little one back in May. She is 11 weeks old and has been admitted to the hospital more than I have my entire life! She had seizures at 2 days old. At 4.weeks, she was diagnosed with bilateral Coloboma which is a rare cogenital birth defect of her eyes. At 6 weeks old, I ended up hospitalized for pneumonia. And now, we have been in and out of the hospital since Saturday due to her having Bronchiolitis and respiratory distress, she is having to have pharyngeal suctionings every 8 hours or so. On top of all of this, I am a single mother and I'm dealing with all of this alone. With all this being said, I haven't had time to focus on PPD, but when I'm not overwhelmed with all these issues (not to mention I also have a 5 year old...), I realize that I have lost touch with myself and don't want to interact with people, I don't want to do the things I once loved, and I feel like there is definitely an emotional detatchment from my kids, my older child especially. I'm really thinking I am struggling with PPD but haven't had time to realize it... This post has kind of made me realize that I am exhausted and worn out and at my wits end. I'm going to get some help in the morning before it gets out of control again, because I need to be okay for my children and for myself.
For me, I just learned to cope with it. I kept myself busy and kept my head in the clouds, so to speak. I also had a lot of support from friends and family. My PPD got the worst it had been when my son was about 18 months. I was in a dark place. I would drink every day, by myself, which is completely out of character for me. I had come to the decision that I was going to off myself, and a few days later I was in a bad car accident and it made me realize how much I had to live for and it helped to snap me out of the funk that I was in. I focused on my son and the wonderful life I had! It really did help me stay happy, but now I feel like its happening all over again. My family and I have been put through the ringer the last year, with several deaths in the family, a miscarriage for me, my extremely high risk pregnancy and now all the issues weve been having. They say God will never give you more than you can handle, so I must be a whole hell of a lot stronger than I know!
I hope that if you're having thoughts about PPD, that you touch base with your doctor and see what (s)he suggests. Meds do help some people, and it does nothing for others. But please don't allow yourself to suffer and go through it, it is ugly and dark and horrible. I'll pray that you get some help and are okay! Thank you for your prayers and support as well, it means a lot.
I think I will be okay. My dr said I can come in tomorrow or I can wait to see if it passes since the feeling of lack of bond with amirah comes and goes. I have anxiety so that may be doing it. I have a dr appt Monday to get meds for it so if things don't improve then I'm going in
I think I have anxiety as it is but this isn't it. I love my kids but I feel like I'm not loving the second as much and I feel weird. I want that connection but feel like I'm being blocked at times. Its scaring me. Could that be it? Or do I have normal second time mom jitters?
I think I will call my midwife tomorrow. My feelings. Come and go but mostly stick around at night
I have had nothing but issues since I was pregnant and had my little one back in May. She is 11 weeks old and has been admitted to the hospital more than I have my entire life! She had seizures at 2 days old. At 4.weeks, she was diagnosed with bilateral Coloboma which is a rare cogenital birth defect of her eyes. At 6 weeks old, I ended up hospitalized for pneumonia. And now, we have been in and out of the hospital since Saturday due to her having Bronchiolitis and respiratory distress, she is having to have pharyngeal suctionings every 8 hours or so. On top of all of this, I am a single mother and I'm dealing with all of this alone. With all this being said, I haven't had time to focus on PPD, but when I'm not overwhelmed with all these issues (not to mention I also have a 5 year old...), I realize that I have lost touch with myself and don't want to interact with people, I don't want to do the things I once loved, and I feel like there is definitely an emotional detatchment from my kids, my older child especially. I'm really thinking I am struggling with PPD but haven't had time to realize it... This post has kind of made me realize that I am exhausted and worn out and at my wits end. I'm going to get some help in the morning before it gets out of control again, because I need to be okay for my children and for myself.
Sounds like meds haven't worked on anyone. What were the best ways to cope? Therapy?
I hope that if you're having thoughts about PPD, that you touch base with your doctor and see what (s)he suggests. Meds do help some people, and it does nothing for others. But please don't allow yourself to suffer and go through it, it is ugly and dark and horrible. I'll pray that you get some help and are okay! Thank you for your prayers and support as well, it means a lot.