whats so bad about being induced?

edited July 2011 in Giving birth
So many people don't want to be induced, why?


  • I want to know too!!"
  • For one its not natural. Two it hurts a million times worse from the get go.
  • I was induced with all 3 of mine and all being successful
  • Jake is my first! I was induced but it f in hurt soooooo bad!
  • My friend was induced with her first and said she would never do it again. She just said it hurt a million times worse than her regular contractions.
  • @Stevenjsalas_mommy yeah I was induced with my first too ...ugh

    @steph_due_101611 so being induced hurts worse than just going into labor your self?
  • Yeah for sure.
  • I was induced somewhat with my first...meaning they gave me pitocin bc I was stuck at 3. And I was induced with my second from the jump and it wasn't bad....everybody is different. Some of us might have a high tolerance for pain...either way I don't see a problem w/ getting induce. Anything can alter your labor from one child to another...
  • I was so scared of getting induced but I had a great experience with being induced.. but I also got the epid when I was only at 2-3cm and they woke me up before than to tell me I was having contractions, I felt 3 strong contractions than got the epid so I was only in horrible pain for a few mkns
  • Everyone is different but I didn't have a great experience being induced and won't be again! I was induced after my water broke and labour didn't start. They put the first gel in at 8pm Monday, then 2/3 more throughout tues. I managed just with paracetamol all that time but I do have a high pain threshold. Contractions started but weren't dilating me. At about 1am wed they started the drip which was when I started gas and air as contractions came strong and regular then. Around 6am I got the epidural and after seeing my doctor at 7am I had a c-section after progressing to just half a cm in all those 35 hours! I felt the whole process was very unnatural and my baby just wasn't ready! Also as you have to be monitored more I was lay on a bed for a lot of the labour which i felt didn't help, gravity couldn't work and different positions, aids were out the window! I'm hoping for vbac this time and have refused induction to start or progress my labour!!
  • edited July 2011
    I've noticed a lot of women believe it will cause them to need a c-section. I did not personally have a bad experience. Yes the labor was strong and hard, but at that point, I was already a week overdue and had been at 2 cms & 70% for 3 weeks. He was 8lbs 9oz and 21 inches long, not to mention that he was facing up instead of down so I likely would have a had a hard labor without the pitocin. I got an epidural around 5 cm, but it really only took away the back pain. I felt my contractions and I could push without being told. 3 hours of pushing and we both tolerated it, he was born nearly 13 hours since they started the pitocin. I was able to get up to pee and move around a little up until I got the epi. I plan to go natural for as long as I can again this time.
  • I was 41+1w and induced on July 3rd.
    They started the pitocin at 11am and by 1p I was asking for an epi. I was able to go natural my first 2 children and didn't realise how pitocin intensifies contractions. Holy sh¡T!! My son was so stubborn being overdue and high up I ended up pushing for 4hrs and talk of csection loomed. If you could avoid induction, I suggest you should.
  • in my experience ir hurts more n not in my experience tgeres a higher csection rate from induction
  • I was curious to know what's so bad about being induced also. Some mommies have some great points but how the hell do you avoid not getting induced and going on 42weeks? I would go insane if I refuse being induced and wait for my baby to come out when he thinks he is ready! My first child, @41weeks.. my water broke naturally and would not dialate more than 4cm. If ur water breaks you must have the baby.. otherwise the baby is at risk of infections! So its in the babys interest for science to kick in and avoid any risk. I was in labour for 28hrs. I was given pitocin and epi and pushed for almost 2hrs. Can I say contractions were worse? No.. it was my first time in labour. I will def do it again if my 2nd child decides to stay longer than normal. I will not want to push a 10 pound baby! And really mommies..... how can we function being preg for more than 41 weeks??
  • I think its because you're body may not be ready for labor. But what's funny is people don't want to be induced but yet they're drinking all this nasty stuff and eating things to try to put their bodies into labor. I'm not against inductions by any means, but there is the risk that you cause baby distress and then baby passes stool in the uterus and that puts baby at risk. I was induced with my first and he had meconium, surprise surprise! He probably wasn't ready to come! The induction itself was very smooth and I had him in 3 and a half hours. With my daughter, I allowed my body to do its thing and she came when her and my body were ready. Granted I had an epidural, but that wasn't to "induce" labor because it already started. Self induction or medical induction, to me its all the same. I do understand that sometimes it is medically necessary though. But, there's my $0.02. :D
  • @bke913 ... if we had a "like" button for comments .. I will def click on yours! I can admit .. I have been walking praying this is what my body wants and need, I have been having sex like its a full time job! And I just started to do nipple stimulations... but its also due to an inverted nipple. I will not however drink anything to go into labor! I respect every preg mommies reasons.. but that castor oil stuff... uhm... no!
    But its like ALL docs say.... every pregnancy is different .. that's just the way it Is.. even if u had 5 children!
  • @mlizzy194 The walking I don't see as an issue because its something you have to do anyways. Same with nipple stimuation, its natural, not crap you're putting into your body. I'll admit, I tried walking and nipple stimulation and I even used evening primrose oil vaginally and the oil did help my cervix. But, It's all the teas and cakes and oils and other stuff that I truly don't think works. I know of someone who tried every trick in the book and nothing worked, but baby had meconium when her water broke. To me, doing all that is just asking for trouble, but that's just my opinion. To me, th biggest issue with any induction is the fact that your body may not be ready for it, and that's what causes the complications.
  • @be913 I was induced with my first child two days before my due date. When I had her she was non responsive, the drs closed the curtain so I couldn't see what they was doing. My mom was standing there watching them and the look on her face said it all.. my mom was trying to hide how scared she was from what she see and I could tell. She told me later on they would pick up my daughters arm nd it would just fall to the table, they would pick up her leg and it fell to the table.. they rushed her to nicu without me even getting to see her. I had her at 4:16 didn't get to see her till 10 something. It was a terrible experience, do you think she was non responsive because I was induced maybe? I'm so nervous cause I'm being induced Tuesday morning if my lil ones lungs are developed. I just keep thinking about the only experience I've had with it and that's when my daughter was born.
  • I can't say for sure, and I don't know how likely it is that that was the case, but I would suppose its possible. Did they never tell you what happened? It's possible baby had the cord wrapped around its neck or very well did have some type of respiratory distress. I don't blame you, I would be nervous also. It sounds like it was a one time thing so I wouldn't worry too much, although I completely understand why you would be nervous! There are always risks during labor and delivery, such as hemmoraging and prolapsed cord, but the risk is generally so small, its nothing to worry too much about.
  • @bke913 they told me what was wrong but it made no sense to me what so ever. Im not going to say what they said like I remember it cause I sure don't lol. But I'm trying not to be so nervous. Its hard cause I had no complications with her and thats what happened now this child is putting me through everything! Lol.
  • It hurts a lot worse
  • I won't allow an induction unless medically nessasary in a 42+ weeks or garenteed death kinda way. It just doesn't seem right to me. And induction isn't the only reason for meconium the toddlers passed sometime before my water broke he was born a horrifying green lol
  • I hear it hurts so much worst because its not natural. I don't want to be induced unless medically necessary or I'm more than a week past my due date.
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  • @mommylovessparkle I might be induced Monday night at 12am I'm nervous!

    @beaded_bunny green? Oh my! Lol

    @firsttimemommytobe hmmm. I might have to have a c section anyways now I'm terribly worried about that.
  • It increases the chances of c section.
  • I can tell you, pitocin causes extreme contractions. But, it also speeds up labor.
  • I asked my OB today about being induced and she said when u go into labor naturally it gives ur brain time to prepare ur body so everything is more gradual whereas when ure induced it forces ur body much qyicker so it has less time to prepare so it can seem more painful. Bu5 she said both u wind up at the same point of pain and the same end result.
  • @newmominsept that makes a lot of sense thank you.
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