whats so bad about being induced?



  • @firsttimemommytobe me too, but my baby is big.. my high risk Dr has been saying I might need one since I was like 20 weeks :(
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  • @Jamiesandefur don't be scared you can do it ! I hope she comes sooner though you don't need the extra pain but hopefully you won't go through a lot of pain, are you going natural or taking epidural?
  • I was induced with all three of mine and I did it with no meds. Wasn't to bad for me.
  • @firsttimemommytobe she weighed 6 lbs 7oz at 33 weeks. I'll be 36+4 when I'm induced.

    @mommylovessparkle I'm getting the epidural more than likely. I did with my first daughter, I got it when I was dilated to a 7

  • @jamiesandfur that's good I plan on getting it too.
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  • I was induced with both of my babies and loved it! :D no complications here. Labor is going to hurt no matter what. And it only increases a c-section risk if your cervix and baby are in unfavorable positions and not ripened.
  • @texasmomma u r my inspiration! Lol! I'm having twins and my doc doesn't want me to go past 38 weeks unfortunately I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and only dilated 1cm. I wanted a natural birth which is already ruined so now the goal is no pain meds. All these stories about horrible pain had me down but if u can do it 3 times o know its possible! Thank you! Being induced Monday! Fingers crossed!
  • I was induced with my first 3 it went fine and I will be induced with this baby if I don't have him by 39 wks
  • @rossbabies I was very fortunate to have very fast labors even though they say being induced "slows down" the labor proccess. I went in w/ my 1st baby dialated to a 1 and 4 hrs later to the mintue she was here. 2nd child went in dialated to a 4 and 2 1/2hrs later she was here and my thrid went in dialated to a 5 and 2 hrs later she was here. I have to say it wasn't the pain of the contractions I had a problem with but the pressure and needing to push. But the best thing you can do is go to a place in your head and block out the pain. I wish you luck and keep me updated.
  • i was induced with my first...no signs of labor. i was 37 1/2 weeks and my baby was ready and fully developed. believe me when i tell u everyone is different and handles pain differently. i had a wonderful birthing experience to the point that i think it was literally max 4 hrs from beginning to end (contractions to pushing) and when my boy was finally out i was ready to go home. i wasnt in pain just tired and wanted to sleep in my own bed.
  • @texasmomma props to quick deliveries...hoping my second will go as well as my first as well :)
  • Well my water broke at 37 weeks and then I was given pitocen to start labour but my sister actually chose my nephews b'day and she was in a lot of pain but since every person is different I can't tell you who's pain was worse but I think that it just depends on the person.
  • I can't speak for other people, but when I was pregnant the first time, I didn't spend any time on the internet, so I wasn't exposed to all this natural birth, no pain meds, no induction stuff. I actually chose my dr because two of my friends used him also, and they were both induced at or before their due dates. (My mom went two weeks over with me and her stories about how miserable that was really stuck with me, lol!)

    When my dr asked at my 39.5 appt if I wanted to be induced, I didn't even hesitate to say yes. I think now, hearing the horror stories of painful inductions and c sections, I might have chosen differently. However, my induction was extremely easy and I got an epi almost as soon as they started the pitocin, so I can honestly say, I've had one child and I have NO idea what a contraction even feels like! Given my previous delivery experience, I wouldn't hesitate to be induced this time as well.
  • When you are induced the pain of the contractions are stronger than if your body went into labor naturally.. also when being induced your chances of having a c section greatly increase.. because of the fact your body is not ready to give birth ( or it would have ) and thus sometimes the baby does not coperate and thus ending in a c section ( which many women try very hard to avoid[ be being one of those women]) and some women do not want to be induced because they want to know the "real" birthday of their baby.
  • @jamiesandefur yeah np, I was wondering too bcuz my OB had mentioned possibly inducing.
  • I want to be induced!! I was induced with my son lasted 3 and a half hours and had a easy delivery. I'm terrified of going into natural labor this time around as I don't know what it will be like or what signs to look out for!
  • edited July 2011
    @mums_the_word me too! That's why I was asking. :)
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