Please Please Please take the GBS test seriously!!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I have noticed a lot questions lately as to what the GBS test is and whether or not it's really necessary. Basically it is a simple swab of the vaginal/rectal area that is preformed between 35 and 38 weeks. The bacteria does not affect mom but baby can become very sick if not treated during labor. I know I have posted the following comment before but I just wanted to repost not to scare anyone but only to bring awarness to the seriousness of the Group B Strep bacteria.

I tested negative for GBS when I was pregnant with my son. I was induced 5/15/07 and after almost 12 hours of unsucessful labor my son was born via c-section. My husband and I spent the evening with our son but around midnight we sent him to the nursery so I could get some rest and try to recover from the surgery. At 4 in the morning we got a call saying they were rushing my son to the nicu because he devoloped a very high fever. We were flipping out but seeing as I hadn't gotten out of bed since the surgery (I devoloped an infection had a fever myself and was on 3 antibiotics) I sent my husband to the nicu to be with our son. Later that day, after hours of agonizing uncertainty, we were visited by the worst neonatalogist (well in my opinion anyway) who said my son most likely had menegitis and would have irreversable brain damage then left the room. I couldn't stop crying I was a mess for days. They ran additional tests and it was later discovered that did not have menegitis instead he had been born with group b strep sepsis and should be fine after a 10 day dose of iv penicilin. He seemed to be improving but then devoloped high blood pressure which took them several days to get under control. As it turns out the iv medication which saved his life also destroyed one of his kidneys. They released my beautiful son wyatt on may 30 2007 after 15 days of absolute hell. Looking at my son 4 years later I'm greatful he has suffered no brain injury or devolopmental delays which is quite common with babies born with GBS. He still has high blood pressure from his damaged kidney that he has taken medication for everyday since he was 3 days old. If I hadn't personally gone through this terrible ordeal I would never know wyatt had once been so ill. He is so wonderful, smart and incredibly funny. At the same time I feel incredibly resentful that something more wasn't done to find out that I was a carrier of something that was so harmful to my baby and has left permanent damage.

Again, it is not my intention to scare anyone with this post. I know what happened to my son is a very rare occurance. I just really hope it has brought to light what happens if it's not caught or treated before baby is born. I wish all of you the very healthiest of pregnancies and babies! Thanks for reading


  • I do agree with you. I got it when I was born. And when I have kids I am taking the antibiotic for it no matter what.
  • I am currently 27+6 with my 2nd child and even though I am having a scheduled c-section I am still going to take the antibiotics before delivery. I cannot/will not go through that again. Good luck to you :)
  • Yes yes yes, thank you for bringing this up! My daughter was hospitalized for seizures at 2 days old for possible sepsis from GBS. They did a complete work up but never found anything, they think that it was caught very early on and had she not had the seizures then things may have turned fatal. It is an easy swan, they don't insert it they just swab the area. All that happens during labor is you'll get a couple bags of penecillin. This is something that is not a big deal to you, but can. Mean life and death for your baby!!
  • I havent done the testing yet i'm only 32 weeks.. but even if you come back neg. and want to take the antibiotic before delivery when do you ask for it exactly what do you ask for??
  • @bke913 I'm so sorry to hear that :( no new mother should ever have to deal with a sick baby. It's terrifying! If you are referring to that beautiful little girl in the pic, she's gorgeous and hope she's doing better now.
    @ahendricks09 don't quote me on this, definitely talk to your dr first, but I believe as soon as you go into labor and or break your water is when you would ask for the penicillin drip used to treat GBS. If they ask why you can just tell them you're not willing to take the risk of GBS infection. Hope that helps. Good luck to you!
  • I got tested for it last week at my 36 week appt. And found out yesterday that I'm GBS positive so the doc said that they will give me antibiotics through an iv when I go into labor and ill have to stay 2 days at the hospital. Hopefully Emerie won't come into contact with it when I have her.
  • agreed! I tested positive with my daughter (#1) and thank goodness they tested when they did because i went into labor days after and was given the iv to protect her. no complications, but the doc was very happy they tested at an earlier appt because she was already prone to so many other complications. i tested negative with my son (#2) so i didn't have to worry. but I get tested Monday for this baby. i pray it's negative. just to avoid any further stress. but i's a test to take VERY seriously.
  • agreed! I tested positive with my daughter (#1) and thank goodness they tested when they did because i went into labor days after and was given the iv to protect her. no complications, but the doc was very happy they tested at an earlier appt because she was already prone to so many other complications. i tested negative with my son (#2) so i didn't have to worry. but I get tested Monday for this baby. i pray it's negative. just to avoid any further stress. but i's a test to take VERY seriously.
  • @drgnzo523 Yep, the little one in my pic is my lil sugar lump lol. She is generally healthy, minus the fact that she is getting over Bronchiolitis. But she has been seizure free since that incident. :)
  • @drgonzo523 thank you i appreciate it.. i will bring it up with my doctor when she brings up the test
  • I was gbs positive and I ended up having a c section but was given pennicilin while I was on labor. I didnt know the baby could be affected even with a c section. If I remember right the nurse said it can mess with thr babies vision coming out too. Dont quote me I was on so many differeny drugs during labor lol..
  • This is my third pregnancy and I never had the test with either of my other two. In fact my obgyn for them never even mentioned it. I haven't even heard of it until I read this post. I am def going to have it done with this one. Thanks for the info!!
  • What if uve had a traction to pill form penicillin, can u still have iv penicillin?? Is there a diff? Or is there an alternative treatment besides penicillin??
  • @tracieleanna20 glad to hear that they found out you have it and you will be able to receive the treatment you need. As long as you don't have a premature rupture of your membranes and get to the hospital shortly after it happens your baby should be just fine. Also I forgot to point out to everyone should you test positive, DO NOT let the doc or anyone else strip your membranes. That can lead to exposure of the bacteria to the baby.
    @survivormommie3 good to hear you haven't had any complications thus far. I'm sure baby # 3 will be just fine also.
    @bke913 wonderful! She's precious! Enjoy your little princess :)
    @ahendricks09 you're welcome dear :) I hope your doctor will be able to give you any guidance as to what would work best for you and baby.
    @maymommy11 it is my understanding that as long as the bag of water hasn't been ruptured the baby should not be exposed to the bacteria. In my case I had been in labor with ruptured membranes for nearly 12 hours before the c-section so he was exposed to it for quite awhile. I know with a scheduled c-section my daughter shouldn't be exposed to it but I'm just not willing to take that chance this time.
    @mommy_of_3 you're welcome :) the sole purpose of this post was to raise awarness and I'm glad I have done that. I hope all turns out well for you and this baby!
    @NewMomInSept if you have an allergy to penicillin you may be able to take ammoxicillin although some people with penicillin allergies may also have adverse reactions to ammoxicillin as well. Other alteratives are cipro, levaquin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and zithromax. Ask your doctor if any of those medications could be substituted as the website I looked at did not mention whether or not they are safe to take during pregnancy and/or delivery.
  • oh thats definetly understandable! They broke my water but I was also on penicilin during labor.
  • @maymommy11 I tested negative when they tested me at 35ish weeks (exactly when escapes me since 4 years have passed) but I must have been one of the "lucky" ones who's infection comes and goes and it came back at some point before I was induced.
  • @drgonzo523 Yes I'm glad they caught it and do what we have to do to make sure my baby is fine. My husband is in the air force so I see the doctors at the base clinic and they don't induce early or anything so I don't think they strip membranes either but thanks for letting me know! :)
  • I was positive for it I had a c section and I don't think they gave me any medicine
  • I was positive for it I had a c section and I don't think they gave me any medicine
  • I was positive for it I had a c section and I don't think they gave me any medicine
  • @drgonzo523 thanks for the info, ill have to ask for sure at my next OB appt! :-)
  • I agree when my son was born he seemed fine but one month later he was diagnosed with bacterial spinal menangitus we almost lost him he is now 7 and very healthy please please don't take this lightly
  • Just wondering what if yu come out negative and like yur case still rlly have it? Is dat something dat happens? Can I just get da penecilin iv to make sure if I dnt feel secure? I'm guna mention it to my dr 2moro dey haven't mentioned I'm glad yu posted dis tho cuz I have been questioning myself about it I heard about it on my own I read a lot but thought since my dr didn't mention anything it wasn't very serious but it obv is soo thank yu
  • What does striping the membrane mean? Im gbs pos and will have to be induced so dh can be there because his job is not understanding. Little worried. about this
  • @NewMomInSept you're welcome. I hope everything turns out well for you :)
    @momof22be I'm so glad he's doing ok now! That must have been so scary for you
    @1stTime_Mommy it is very possible to test negative for it and still have the bacteria. Unfortunately it is something that comes and goes. In my case when they tested me for it it had gone away which is why I got the negative result. At some point before delivery it came back which is how my son was exposed to the bacteria after they broke my water. I'm not 100% sure but I think they will let you have the antibiotics during labor since there isn't any adverse effects to baby after delivery. Ask your dr to be sure.
    @rckprincess2 stripping of the membranes is a procedure in which the dr will use his/her finger to seperate the bag of water from the uterine wall near the cervix during a cervical exam to help induce labor. Generally the dr will ask before performing the procedure. Since they know you're GBS positive and being induced I would think they definitely wouldn't do anything like that. Hope that helps! Good luck :)
  • It was I couldn't stop crying the whole 6weeks he had a pic line for medication drip and he had 3 spinal taps 2were 45 MIN long and one was like 20 secconds but I'm just glad its over it was probably the worst 6 weeks of my life
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