Milk! Oh and zantac75 helps wooooonders:) i take it daily, just the knock off version. Tums, if you suck on them they work so much better and longer, also dont lay down after you eat a meal, try not to drink while eatting... Unless you take the zantac annnnd dont drink suuuuuuper cold stuff.
Tums is the only thing that helped with me.. I'm on my fifth bottle already!! You learn to love them.. And just a lil tip, don't drink water with them, it will have the opposite effect with the heartburn..
How far are you hun? I had a reflux from 9 weeks to 17 weeks. I tried eating ice and it works for me. It vanished for a while, but returned when i was 32 weeks. My doc gave me gavascon. It worked for a while but doesnt last, so he told me to take zantacs. Its working good for me, im taking it twice a day from week 34 till now at 37 weeks and 5 days. Zatacs is pretty good. I just didnt.want to take any med during my first trimester so i tried ice and it worked during my early.pregnancy
I am on zantac plus my 2nd bottle of tums. Milk also helps me with instant relief. It really sux. I also avoid foods and drinks I know trigger the heartburn for me such as OJ(big time heartburn) and pizza. Good Luck!
Ughh I feel you! I have the worst case!! I could eat my last meal at 4pm and at 1am im up with killer heartburn. Everything causes it. I wake up choking or im up so uncomfortable I think I might throw up. I have found that ice cream is my biggest culprit @kdaniels so I was starting to think the baby was allergic! I know that sounds silly but I think im Just developing a sensitivity to whole milk..idk. but whatever it is, heartburn sucks and im sorry you are dealing w it!
Prilosec trust best ever I haven't got no heartburn since taking them there once a day and the first day don't work but after omg live saver I been on it for a month and no hearburn since dr said its ok and I got it at walmart