My bf refuses to go to my doctor appointments


  • Ask him to ask his boss.
  • Its ok mine never goes either we were broke up in the beginnin but now were together n I hav an apt in a hour he says he wants to go wit me to my apts but he's still in bed n won't get up so don't feel alone it does suck seein other women wit ther bds
  • Its ok mine never goes either we were broke up in the beginnin but now were together n I hav an apt in a hour he says he wants to go wit me to my apts but he's still in bed n won't get up so don't feel alone it does suck seein other women wit ther bds
  • @nicoleok87 I know his boss. In fact I used to work with her. She doesn't have a problem with him leaving :(
  • Aww that stinks. is this your first? My husband doesnt go to any appointments other than ultrasounds but he stays home with our 3 children so I can get a break and go to my appointments kid free.
  • Does he go to the important appts? My husband and I work at the hospital that my doctor's office is at, so when I have ultrasounds he comes over during lunch. But I go 2 times a week for NST's and 1 time a week for OB appts. I don't want my husband there during the NST's because he stresses me out and my blood pressure goes up! lol. I figure as long as he is at the important appts, that is all that matters.
  • My hubby Dosent go either its hard for him to get off cuz he never knows how long a call is gonna take or were he will be. He does get the day off or half day if its the important appointment. Am now 32 +1 weeks so all the important ones are out the way.
  • So he personally feels like he can't leave??? What's he do??
  • He's a service writer for Nissan. All he has to do is not schedule appointments during the time when he would be gone. We always know when my appointments are in advance.
  • My husband has FMLA set up for him to come to all of my apts but we can't afford him to take that much time off. , i have weekly pelvics, so he comes for important ones and when I can't find someone to watch my nephew. He stays during the days till school starts. . . Oh how I can't wait till the 15th
  • Mine doesnt go either, he asks whats the point. He will go to u/s if they are on the weekend.
  • Glad to know I'm not alone on this one :)
  • Mines never goes either and isn't even working right now (only tax season) but he'll go to an u/s but that's about it.
  • My hubby doesn't come to any of mine. This is our 3rd and for my 2nd one he came to one apt cause they thought something might be wrong but thankfully everything was prefect. Now with this one i was in the hospital this week i was the 24hrs and he was there for about 1hour of it but thats cause my older two were tried of being there after 3hrs. But i don't mind cause the only important part is the birth. Yea its not fun to go alone but i rather he saves up his time off for when our daughter comes!
  • edited July 2011
    I can understand not going to all of them. Most of them are pointless...listen to heart...any questions...bye type of thing. I tell him he doesn't have to go to those. He goes to all the ultrasounds and the first one when asking all the family history and stuff. My ultrasounds are with a specialist so he's prob not gonna go to any of my regular ob appts anymore.
  • I'm being induced on Monday and my nd has only been to two appointments with the first us and when we found out the sex. He says I'm only going to come home and tell him wat they said anyway. Some men just Don get all into that stuff
  • I told my bf I only needed him at 3 appts during my pregnancy. The first u/s, when we found out the gender, and when I go into labor lol. The other appts are so routine that he doesn't need to go. Plus I don't want him losing money by missing work. Oh and he has no idea how much I weigh now, which I'm totally ok with lol
  • I think its sad that so many hubbys don't go:(
  • @starxoxo9 lol I'm with you on that! At first I wanted him to come cuz this is my first and thought its "our" baby but after going to a few appts, its pretty pointless for him to be there. I took him to the two u/s and the pediatric visit And will be dragging him to the hospital tour and childbirth class. Idgaf that he's done it before, I haven't so we pretend you haven't either!! Ughh lol. Sometimes I get bummed that he's not as into it but whatev, he's a great dad already and will be great w this one as well. @loveourlittleone
  • My husband only comes to the ultrasounds and thats it with each of my 3 pregnancies but then again i dont feel the need for him to be there as he's clueless anyways. Delivery is most important but since we have 3 other kids i dont know if my hubby will be able to stay in the hospital with me this time as we may not have a sitter. :(
  • My husband only comes to the ultrasounds and thats it with each of my 3 pregnancies but then again i dont feel the need for him to be there as he's clueless anyways. Delivery is most important but since we have 3 other kids i dont know if my hubby will be able to stay in the hospital with me this time as we may not have a sitter. :(
  • My husband came to all of my appointments last time, but he worked 3rds, so he didn't have to take off to go. He's only been to the u/s this time, because he can't get off work. I kind of don't blame him for not wanting to go though, half of those appointments, I don't even want to be at. You wait in the waiting room longer than you see the doctor, lol!
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