Baby Bump too Big?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I'm a little worried and hope that someone has gone through the same thing as me so that I can get some advice and feel more comfortable. At my last doctor's appointment I was told my stomach is two weeks bigger than normal. They are sending me in for an ultrasound of which three options will result. One: My due date will get pushed up, Two: I will get induced, Three: I will deliver by Cesarian section. I wanted to deliver all natural with no epidural or anything because it's just what I believe (plus I hate needles) so obviously the inducing and Cesarian are freaking me out. My ultrasound to determine these isn't until August 12 and it's only July 29. Has anyone been through this that can let me know their outcome??? Thanks! :)


  • I'm two weeks ahead too, being induced Tuesday morning!
  • @bettymomma That's crazy they won't discuss it with you until then because most women don't even make it to 39 weeks! How far are you?
    @Island_Mommie2B Definitely let me know how it goes since you are getting it done the day before me it'll hopefully calm me down haha.
  • @jamiesandefur Ohh goodness! Are you nervous at all? How far are you/when's your due date? What exactly did they say they were having to induce you for?
  • I've measured 3-4 weeks ahead my entire pregnancy due in 12 data and dr said to plan on csection!
  • @augustbaby Oh the baby also 3-4 weeks ahead?
    @Island_Mommie2B Yah all the ones people are giving me are freaking me out more! haha.
  • I've been measuring 2 w ahead for the longest.. they did a US n bby is jus fine not too big.. same induction.. c section..anything.. juss relax :) happens to alotta us!
  • @bettymomma and @Island_Mommie2B C section is my biggest fear too next to induction. Both ways are more painful and they take away from the excitement of going into labor and childbirth.
    @naliiby2 That is awesome!!! :) So was it just extra fluid or swelling? I'm hoping mine is just extra water weight/swelling which is very possible because I live in Arizona with over 100 degree heat haha.
  • Ladies dont let your dr force you to be induced or csectioned. A womans body is meant to give birth and if they give your body the oppurtunity to do so im sure youll be just fine. My dr tried to csection me with my first because i was pushing for 45 mins. Well she was my first i couldnt feel anything from the epidural and had no idea i was pushing wrong. But 15 mins later out came a beautiful baby. And all these drs can do is give estimates just cuz your belly measures big doesnt mean theres a big baby. My friend gave birth to a almost ten lb baby and her stomache was not that big and she was not even 100 lbs when she got pregnant. Dont let the drs scare you. Its ur body and ur paying them so you tell them what kinda birth you want.
  • yeaa they said prob juss extra fluid :) .. u don't need a c section juss bcuzz of that wtff.. bby will come wen they ready :) all this means is we might go a lil earlier!!?/ YAY!
  • @island_mommie2b haha realy! yayy :) im glad.. its nothing to stress over :) wen my doc told me I was excited!! lol
  • @kailiasmomma05 That's exactly how I believe it should be is me having my birth the way I want it. I understand there are health risks with pushing a baby out that is too big but while a c section will take away those risks, inducing will only make them greater.
  • I've been measuring two weeks ahead since 20 weeks...I'm now 34+3 weeks. I got a growth ultrasound at 33+2 weeks and she weighed 5lbs, which was a little big, but nothing concerning to the tech. But my baby's head was measuring a little over 36 weeks, thanks to my husband's big head. They didn't change my due date or anything, I guess cause I'm not super close to being due. So I may just have a bit of a bigger baby.
  • I really just don't want the induction because I was reading about the process and it doesn't sound pleasant. Plus I've heard it is more painful and makes labor last longer. I don't want an epidural at all which is one of the main reasons I don't want a C Section. Bring on the labor pains and contractions and I'm sure I'll do just fine. I just don't want a long needle going into my back where if I move (and more than likely will) I can get paralyzed. I like to have feeling in my legs at all times thank you haha
  • @37 weeks they did an ultrasound and said he is already 8.5 lbs! So dr told me if she induces my body and baby aren't ready cuz I haven't dialted at all yet so it would probably end in csection any way
    He hasnt even she said healthiest for him to sray in there so we will just plan on csection
  • Yes I'm very nervous! My due date is Aug 24th and there inducing me because I've pretty much had non stop problems since I got pregnant. She said my body can't handle it and doesn't want to be pregnant any more. I have non stop contractions 4 min apart and they never dilate me. Same thing happened with my other daughter. Ugh.
  • @augustbaby I'm hoping mine just comes early on his own. I had a birthing class yesterday and there were ladies in there due in a week or two and they still haven't dropped yet but I have. Also watched a video on c sections and it was more like a scary movie to me haha
  • @jamiesandefur are you nervous at all? What kinds of complications are you having? My baby has a different blood type than I do so I had to get a shot that basically shuts off my immune syatem and then after birth I will get another one to "turn it on" again. That's another reason I'm not okay with a c section because I will be too prone to infection.
  • Wow I didn't know that there was a shot to turn off your immune system. That's weird. Yeah I'm pretty nervous, especially now... I'm sick.. yaay. Just what I need, to be in labor plus being sick :( I feel so bad. My fluid is going crazy, my fluid goes real high then normal then real high, I've been in labor twice and they were able to stop it, I'm on medicine to stop my contractions because they seem to never stop. Plus my little one isn't so little, she's already more than likely over 7lbs now and I'm tiny, my first daughter was 7lbs 2 oz and she tore me bad. My Dr says she thinks my body is tired of being pregnant and wants it to be over with, that evidently it can't handle it much longer. Sucks cause I want another kid... don't know if it will be the same or not.
  • @Island_Mommie2B How did your ultrasound go? I'm so mad. I guess the baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead now (So 38). They are making me redo my glucose test and also go in for non stress tests twice a week. I don't know what the glucose test is going to matter this late in the pregnancy because there's nothing they can do and as for the stress tests, the baby is moving just fine so I don't understand why those are necessary. I expressed my concern of c sections to the nurse and she told me to stop being self centered even though I explained that if it was for the health of the baby I'd do it. Ugh!!!
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