Baby Willow is here.

edited July 2011 in Giving birth
Wow! How I have missed Pregly! I couldn't login for the longest time. Aghh.

So, baby Willow Elizabeth Bishop 8lbs 8oz , 21.5" was born at 5:55 on July 29. Her official due date was Aug 8, with an induction scheduled for the 1st.

I tested positive for steep b and have a history of rapid labor so at my appt yesterday when the doctor checked me I was 3.5 cm dilated and almost fully effaced. She decided to be safe and send me up to be induced to insure that I had a chance to get the full dose of antibiotics before she was born.

My contractions started very hard at 4:40pm and she was born at 5:55 pm! I had forgotten how much that hurt.

She is just perfect. I am so in love with her.


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