please send baby dust my way and prayers and everything u can im gonna test tomorrow hopefully i get my bfp im 26 n boyfriend is 28 and we have been together for ten years and we still dont have kids
@fate@mommyof8@mma_underpants@1stwoodsbaby@prego123 thank you so much girls we really want a baby and unfoutonaly if it dosent happen this month im gonna have to waite 6 more months for me to try again since my honey has to work out of town if tried everything from preseed keeping legs elevated going to a guy para que me sobe (to massage) me hopefully it will happen
Sending bby dust your way........<3
Let me know
thank you so much girls we really want a baby and unfoutonaly if it dosent happen this month im gonna have to waite 6 more months for me to try again since my honey has to work out of town if tried everything from preseed keeping legs elevated going to a guy para que me sobe (to massage) me hopefully it will happen