OWWW! Right boob killing me!! Any advice?

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
I think I have a clogged duct. I woke up @ 4am & accidently rubbed against my right breast and felt like a knife stabbed me! I felt a very small knot, about the size of a pencil eraser. I got up & looked at it and noticed my skin was red around it. I immediately got online to see what to do. It said warm compress & pump. Do I did & went back to sleep. When I woke up a few hrs later it hurt worse! I've now taken a hot, hot shower, manually expressed milk, breastfed, and its NOT MOVING! HELP PLEASE!!


  • Keep using the heat and pumping/feeding. Call your dr too, it may be an infection or something you need an antibiotic for.
  • Sounds like mastitis. I had that once, had flu like symptoms. Red spit on my breast, very sore, I had chills & was very tired. I had to take some antibiotics and took warm showers and let the warm water run on the red area. Keep nursing on that breast and massage that area while nursing or pumping. It should get better over a the next day or so. But if not go see you ob/gyn you may need antibiotics to clear it up. Mine went away and I had no problems nursing. But massage the area during feeding & while warm water is running over the area. Also try different nursing positions too. Take some tylenol or ibuprofen for pain if you need too.
  • Ok. I was gonna wait 24hrs to call. I read that if its not any better or I develop fever, to call.
  • Red spot, not spit. Sorry, my phone is touchy. @Babygirl1716
  • Lol. I wondered about that... Was thinking 'red spit?!?' Lol! Then I realized you prob meant 'spot'.
  • I have mastitis. Just went to urgent care yesterday to have it checked out. DO NOT let it progress. I let mine progress for like 3 days thinking it would get better, and that was the worst mistake of my life! Its VERY painful now. They had to do a small procedure yesterday in the office and it hurt REALLY bad. They put me on 3 different medications and if it doesn't get better by tomorrow, I have to go to the er to see a surgeon to get it cut open and cleaned out.
    mine started how urs is now. So my advice to you, go to urgent care or er or doctor like TODAY before it gets as worse as mine. Its verrryyy painful..
  • @ericazekendan Dangit!! Thats not what I wanted to hear! :-S
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