I'm breastfeeding n I have sore nipples help!!!!

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
Wat can I do for sore nipples I wana keep breastfeeding ma baby bt day hurt wen I do.. Wats good for sore nipples?


  • There is this cream that works great its called lansinoh my Dr gave me a sample
  • My nippies cracked n blead... im to scared of trying again! Nothing helped me at all. I hope u find some relief!
  • edited July 2011
    Baby is probably latched on wrong. But there is the lanolin cream you can put on or There's also cooling gel pads. you can also express some milk and rub it on there for cracks.
  • how many days/weeks have you been bfing?
    lansinoh cream. also letting your milk dry on your nipples after you feed i have heard can help.
  • @survivormommie3: iv been bf for 3days
  • Nipple shields that u use while breastfeeding I heard are a life saver & also nipple cream such as lansinoh. Both highly recommended to me.
  • You can get a medela breast shield for $7 @ target. I had blisters on my nipples and was still able to nurse comfortably. It also helps babies learn to latch properly
  • so i had tis problem...the lansinoh didnt work for me...there is this other stuff its made by a brand called the first years...its lanolin free nipple butter. its all organic...i put some on each time after i breast feed and put a nipple pad on to help hold in moisture! make sure baby latches well and u should start feeling better soon!
  • srry its just a link but at least u will know what ur looking for! goodluck!
  • I've talked to a lactation consultant n they said if it hurt or u get chapped nipples the baby ismost likely latched wrong....I would talk to a lactation consultant to help with the proper latch so it stops hurting...
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