
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
On this app my edd is sept 8th and it said 7 weeks & 1 day has passed does that mean im 8 weeks? Anyways.. I qet little cramps & I asked my dr. 1 1/2 aqo on the phone if that was normal she said yes im just scared.. I dont want to lose this baby.. Im already inlove w. It & I still dont even really believe its in there.. Idk I need so advise.. Im just nervous.


  • hiya, im due on the 7th September im 7 weeks and 2 days lol i have cramps and things but its just everything stretching inside probably to make room :) dont worry about it, this is my first so im not panicking just incase stress causes a miscarriage when theres nothing actually wrong, take care x
  • Hello- I'm due 9/12 I thought I was 7 weeks so maybe I'm 8 (even better). I have two boys (7 and 10). I had a miscarriage 4 months ago and am hoping for healthy pregnancy this time around. Try not to stress about it (as hard as that may be). A little cramping is normal. Hope you have a healthy pregnancy!
  • Hi im 21 wks but when i was about 6 wks i had cramps dr said its normal but if they are really bad they can give u some pills that wont harm ur bby
  • What if you start your period? Is this normal? I was 2 weeks late for my period..took 7 pg tests all but 2 came back positive... found out I may be 5 weeks along and first Dr app is next Wednesday. I'm just worried about starting my period..and cramps are really bad :( pls help?
  • Best thing for cramps is to take some tylenol, drink lots of water, and get some rest. Cramping is normal, but scary.
  • Yesterday I woke up to find I was bleeding but it's old blood. My doctor had it figured I'm 6 weeks and my baby I guess is to small for that. So from the bleeding and my small baby she is assuming I miscarried. Anyone have advice?
  • Is cryinq qoinq to lead me to have a miscarriaqe?
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