No one wants to rub a witch's belly




    @lyndsay1983 @Ourlittlenugget @Mommy_of_two @gatorbob @mummytuube

    I found these sites...if there is ANYTHING that has annoyed you during pregnancy there's a shirt for it lol, don't touch, why would you say that?, large families, breastfeeding, caution signs, morning sickness....the evil genius store is filled w/ smart ass shirts they are too funny
  • I haven't had anyone bug my belly. I look like a typical mom, not necessarily the soccer mom but definitely have the "mom" look...until. you see my facial piercings and I have a no nonsense way of dealing with my kids which in the suburbs I live in is looked down upon....lmao oh well, I will discipline them bow or the state penitentiary will later.I think its funnier BC I work in the nursery at my church and the babies love me. You can tell when someone is a visitor and I go to retrieve their children and they notice the piercings they almost faint....LOL.
  • I'm tired of people at me work thinking I'm getting fatter and well everyone we went out for pizza last night the waitress asked us booth or table me jokingly said where my belly can fit she gave me this digusted look like ok fattie and I said I'm pregnant her eyes went big and she said ohhhh. Lol it pisses me off I was never this big when I wasn't prego and the only one that rubs my belly is me or my husband I'm not too scary looking I have peircibgs and gauged ears but my hair is normal and I dress kinda normal
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  • @Mommy_of_two i keep finding more and more sites...i am going to be completely silly this pregnancy starting w/ my clothes
  • To be honest until you posted the pic I had no idea what it looked like. I would have just thought it was a cool tattoo. So for me it wouldn't have anything to do with you being a witch (I hate to call you that. Feel free to correct me. Lol) However, I'm not the type to invade people space either. Idk, maybe its the whole look that says to people "don't touch me". I look very young and innocent. I think my face screams "enter my bubble" and a lot of people do. So irritating.
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