annoyed with my bitch-ster in law, ugh.

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
This woman seriously never quits! Ever since the day she found out I was pregnant with my 1yr old she's been nothing but a bitch! She yelled at me & told me I ruined her brothers life blah blah blah... little did she know he was a planned baby. We were married in Feb 10 while I was 5months pregnant, & she didn't even show up to our wedding, or the reception, but whatever, she has a busy life I guess. Shortly after my husband & I got married she told him I was lying about who my 3yr olds dad was, & that my 1yr old might not even be my husbands. Wtf?! First of all, why would I lie to my husband about who the father of my 3yd old was? My husband knew my 3yr old wasn't his obviously, seeing as we didn't know eachother when I concieved. & to say that my now 1yr old might not be his, while we were in a stable relationship, ugh. Whatever, I knew who my 3yr olds dad was & that my 1yr old was my husbands. I told him if he really had any doubt, to get a paternity test because he'd end up looking like a fool for believing her bullshit. Then a couple months later, she tried to say that I tried moving in with her. Hahaha, I would NEVER move in with her! Then a few months later when I went back to work after having my 1yr old, I left the baby with my husbands fathers girlfriend, who lives with his father & his younger sister who isn't a bitch btw, luckily. Well, apparently while I was at work my younger sister in law, who was 14 at the time, brought the baby for a walk. Big deal right? Not really. Well somehow my older sister in law found out & made a whole big facebook drama status about how people are so careless & disgust her... aka me. All because she thought I left my baby with my 14yr old sister in law, & she didn't even know I was working nor did I leave the baby with her. & anyways, what's the big deal? She was 14, I started babysitting when I was 10! She talked all this shit & she didn't even have one fact straight! Shortly after my husband got stationed in NC with the Marines, which is where we moved, my older sister in law comes at my parenting again. I made a post on fb saying that it was upsetting how SOME teenage girls decide to have kids & don't even act like a parent either by continuing life with their maryjane or partying every weekend. So she makes a status saying that people need to not worry about how or why other girls get pregnant & maybe I should go teach my kids a few things. LOL! First of all I wasn't worried about why they got pregnant, nor was I concerned with their choice to be a parent, but their choice to not give that child their all like they should. Who condones actions like that? Ugh. Well it's been another few months. My husbands been gone all weekend because we had an arguement, our brand new car won't start & I feel like utter shit today. So I make a post saying I wish hibernation was optional & i'd take advantage of it until my baby is born. She comments 'it's never an option when you have two kids & another on the way.....'. Does she think I don't know that?! ? She doesn't know ANYTHING, about me or my kids. They are well nourished, & clean & loved more than anything on this planet. She seriously needs to keep her mouth shut, I've kept quiet in respect for my husband but after a year & a half of her ridiculous comments I don't know how much more I can take!


  • I would flip. Im not gonna let my baby daddys family see my child because they have said some really stupid Shit. So I can completely relate to what you are going through. He has 4 brothers and a sister which all think I need to hear their 2 cents! Ughh they all need to be slapped!
  • Well kuddos to u for staying quiet for do long I am very outspoken person and I would have gone off on her
  • Freak no I would not let her do that I would post something like witches need to mind their Damn buisness and get a freakin life. Don't have nothin better to do rawr it makes me angry X(
  • Can't you defriend or ignore people on FB? I would at least do that. She sounds awful.
  • Block her on FB then you don't have to worry about her ridiculous comments. Everything I would ignore except the paternity of the kids....I would go postal on her ass.
  • @kara_lemek, my husbands family doesn't see the kids as it is because we live 3states over because he's in the service. This just makes me so angry! I love my little sister in law, but my older sister in law is just plain ignorant clearly.

    @dmaciel, it's all out of respect for my husband. I would love to give her a piece of my mind.

    @STEVENJSALAS_mommy, I just replied to her comment & said that I know more than anyone that my kids come first & that my post wasn't even related to them so her comment had no purpose.

    @PebblesMommy, I COULD defriend or block her, but honestly that's the only way that she can see her nephews is through my page because we lives states apart. I would feel bad, even though she's a bitch.
  • @ash1la, if you read my comment to PebblesMommy it explains why I choose not to defriend or block her. & the paternity thing to this day makes me very angry, but it was a year & a half ago & I don't want to provoke any more stress at this time.
  • So what do you plan on doing? What does your husband have to say about this? And I see your trying to be the bigger person which I commend you for, bc I would have punched her in the face and been done with it. And I understand you not wanting to be provoke any more stress but it seems like something needs to be done so it doesn't cause any more stress to your life. @mommy_tiffay
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  • @ash1la, I'm not sure what to do. I just told her that her comment today had no place because I wasn't even talking about my kids. & my husband says that's just how his sister is, she thinks she's better than everyone & just to ignore it... he doesn't understand how annoying it is to me though. She's 23yrs old, I'm 19 & I'm more mature than she is, it's sad. I really wish shed come to a hault with all her bs.
  • I think you can change her privileges so that she cannot comment or post anything on your page. Then you won't need to delete her or deal with her stupidity.
  • @gatorbob, haha wow, I love that! I wish I could be that blunt! She's annoying, I don't want to be a total bitch whenever I do lash out though, because she'll turn it on me & I love the rest of his family & don't need the drama with them. I would LOVE for my husband to slap her, or say something at the least because I know whatever is said will hurt her more coming from him then it will coming from me. But he doesn't realize how much her actions bother me, he thinks it's just something I need to brush off.
  • @misskristin, you can change privelages for a single person? Hmm, I'll have to look into that. Although, even if her comments on my posts cease that won't stop her from making her own ignorant posts or from disrespecting me like she does.
  • I hate when people use that as an excuse to excuse poor behavior...."that's just how my ________ is" my husband says that for his mother. Although we have never had a huge problem, mainly bc she knows I will go toe to toe with her and that I wont hold my tongue when it comes to protecting me and my kids, still its annoying to make excuses for bad behavior! I the only way I see this ending is if your husband puts her in her place! Bc you can comment back even tell her how out of line she is but until he does it it wont mean nothing to her. I am sorry you are having to deal with this. Just a sticky situation when family in law is involved.
  • I would be all on her I got a mouth on me but 4 you post this "its sad that some people dont know how to mind their own business they even stoop as low to stalkin you on fb thats a damn shame." And see wat she have to say to that
  • edited July 2011
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