Tell me your story

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
Where were you at with your life before you got pregnant or on the journey of ttc? How long did it take? How surprised were you? how did you and your s/o find out? how many kids do you have/had? etc..... just let it all out.


  • I had just gotten married. I apprently got pregnant during our honeymoon lol. I am now 29 weeks pregnant and been married since january! I have one other son whom is my life.
  • @doodles that's a great day to remember then. lol
  • Yep iit was a great time! What's ur story?
  • I have been married for 5 years and will be 30 in a couple of weeks. We conceived on the 1st try in 2009 but my daughter died at nearly 41 weeks last July during labor. Took us 2 tries to conceive this time around so I'm 32 weeks and hoping for a much happier ending. This pregnancy is nowhere near as uneventful or joyful as the 1st time. It's really scary after what happened last year. :(
  • hmmm. well, ill start with my first....
    i was 18 yrs old, and my bf of 3 1/2 yrs was 20. weeks before conception i had quit using any illegal substances ;) we found out because i passed out my first day at a new job. after work, we went to his parents house and waited for his rents to go to sleep, then i took an hpt and we both went hysterical. i was in denial, and all he could say was "I NEED TO GET A JOB!!!" lol. so a few weeks later we told his parents- who actually just had their last miscarriage. my parents were hysterical. 7 wks later we got married. and 5 months after that we had our first, our little girl, Grace.
    so I breastfed Grace for 7 1/2 months and when she was 9 months old hubby thought i was pregnant, but again i wasn't convinced.

    after 2 hpt's and a blood test the doc called to say i was pregnant. she was thinking i was either far along or having multiples (twins and triplets run in my side of the family). 2 wks later at an ultra sound we find out i am almost 4 months pregnant! when i was 6 months pregnant and Grace turned 1 yr old I was very sick and losing a lot of blood rectally... (sorry tmi!) within weeks following my daughters bday i was hospitalized, diagnosed with a serious disease of the colon. i was sooo sick. i had our son. the kids are 15 months apart. and when Noah (son) was 6 months old the doc told me i had cancer and if i dont have surgery in the next few weeks i won't make it. so i went through 3 surgeries. also during this time i found out i am immune to birth controls.

    then with this bugger, doc tried to give me new meds and told me to be sure i wasnt pregnant. to wait for my period and test just in case. so i tested a couple wks later and to my shock and surprise and 4 tests later I Am convinced i am pregnant again! I will be 36 wks Tuesday and so ready to be done! and no my doc says "i wouldnt advise more children. at most one more."
  • @pebblesmommy I am so sorry for your loss. that's not easy!!! This one will be your little pride and joy i am sure
  • Lol that's quite the story! You are quite the trooper
  • My fiance n I were traveling the us for work heading from state to state. We were not ttc at all. We came home to OR for my birthday in Nov to celebrate with my friends. Well that's the night I ended up getting pregnant. In Dec we decided to go visit my cousins n aunt n uncle who I hadn't seen in two yrs. I was suppose to start my period the day after we hot there.....I never did. My aunt n I went to pick out a Christmas tree two days later n I brought it up to her that it was weird I hadn't started.. on our way home she made me get two pregnancy tests. We got home I went upstairs to take the first one. I peed on it set it down picked up the directions to see how long to wait looked over n the two lines were darker then dark! I yelled down to my fiance for him to come up he got half way n I mouthed I'm pregnant. He ran the rest of the way up gave me a huge hug n said Yeaha! He was so happy. I was in shock I couldn't believe it. I took the next test n again instantly positive. My aunt came up n asked I said yes I am. Her n I went for a walk cause I was freakin. We got back n I called my mom n told her. She was excited which I did not expect. But I felt better telling her. We told my uncle and cousins before we left the next day. My uncle then pops up with u should get an abortion... I cried the whole way home. Everyone has excepted it now n my dad let my fiance n I move in so we can save money on a down payment for a house :) I'm almost there now 39 weeks n everyone is so excited to meet our little girl but not as,much as her dad and i!
  • @pebblesmommy I am sorry too. Congrats on this one. I will pray for health and happiness
  • edited July 2011
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  • @gatorbob that is so cute! goosebumps! hahaha
    @mommakk88 I am guessing your aunt wanted to shoot him after saying that!
    @island_mommie2b that's so cute! i love it when the bd is so excited!
  • Well, I was 21 and I got caught whilst on the pill, my second was 4 years later and it took 6 months to conceive. I thought my baby days were done as I have 2 beautiful girls aged 15 and 11. In January my hubby pipes up with, hey, how about another baby....less than 2 weeks later I'm pregnant. I actually knew 1 week before period was due and tested positive 3 days before aunt flo. I'm now 30+5 with another girl. Been with hubby for 16 years and can't wait to meet baby Florence. X
  • I love this thread.

    I met my significant other 6 years ago. We had both come out of long annoying relationships so we were just friends. We worked together and hung out all of the time. After about a year of this I realized I was pretty much in love with him. We never hugged never kissed we were just really good friends. Before I knew it 2 years had gone by and I had not dated anyone just spent time with him. I realized then that our friendship wasn't moving anywhere and wasn't really healthy for me since I just wanted to be with him and he continued dateing girl after girl. So I quit my job and moved to canada. After about 6 months he started calling. After one visit to the states he started asking me to come back and be with him. I was stubborn but also not gettting over him at all. Finally he convinced me to move back.

    I got pregnant within 3 weeks of getting back. It was such a roller coaster. We went from getting to know eachother to trying to decide if we would want to be parrents. We decided that we really wanted the baby. But then I bled from like week 7 to 11 so we though we lost the baby. Then finally got heart beats and ultrasounds and everything was great. Then at 17 weeks my water broke we waited to see if her water would refill but it didn't. I developed a huge infection and went to the er. I delivered our baby girl a day later. It was beyond devistating. He was amazing though.

    Then three months later I got pregnant again on birthcontrol. He was so excited I was petrified. Pregnancy went the same way. First trimester bleeding. Doctors monitored me every week to make sure everything was ok. Finally got past 17 weeks and my doctors decided to skip my next appointment since I was out of the woods. Still at 18 weeks my water broke and I delivered our son 10 hours later. I was pretty out of it after that. But he helped me through it. I don't think I would be alive If he wasn't with me.

    After many doctors they decided I had a blood issue. We waited 8 months before getting pregnant with this baby.I started hemoraging at 6 weeks. I started blood thinners and progesterone then. I have been on bedrest pretty much ever since. But I am 20 weeks now and so thankful to have this baby and him with me. Though bedrest sucks for sure.
  • @cheryl74 that is too cute. Congrats!
  • @ll10 thanks, I think I'm mad lol, I'm nearly 37 and hubby says he wants another 1 or 2 so this one isn't alone.....Omg....I hope all goes ok hunny and bedrest goes quickly x
  • @cheryl74 that's awesome. i love how guys let us know at the last minute what they want ;) jk
    @ll10 bedrest sucks! but i am SO happy they figured out what was causing the heartache!
  • @cheryl74 how weird of him to initiate it. One of my closest friends didn't start having kids until she was over 40.

    I am much older than my three younger siblings and I just love them to pieces. Its much different then siblings your own age I don't know why.
  • Lmao, men eh, I'm hoping my kids help x
  • Yeah pretty Much lol she wasn't happy with him
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