october mommies

How are we feeling? I have an Edd of 10/7/11 and have have no morning sickness at all. According to This app ill be 8 weeks Friday.


  • Yeah, same as me. No morning sickness.but am so tired. It's all going so slowly x
  • I'm doing well...I have gas this morning tho! lol No morning sickness. I go for my first appointment today. I'm excited. I haven't been "feeling" very pregnant the last couple of days so I'm happy I'll get my first u/s this afternoon. I want to see that heartbeat! :X
  • I guess I spoke too soon!!! Hello constipation! Ick!
  • I have an edd of October 4th not sick, just really tired. I already am showing though :-) I'm just ready to be in my third trimester and be almost done I just want the little one here already and everything is going so slow!
  • I don't have any symptoms except tender breast and light cramping that's getting annoying lol. @MSC let me know how your appt goes.
  • I'm due oct 5th and absolutely no morning sickness. Cramping here and there, sore breast, peeing constantly, and mood swings.
  • Ughh so jealous I'm sick constantly all day all night..insane hunger...peeing all the time sore boobs pretty much classic pregnancy only more crampy n I'm starving but idk I'm weird I can only eat specific things no leftovers idk I'm weird lol b thankful you guys feel good n hope it lasts BC this sucks lol
  • Im due oct 29. Lots of cramping :( and a little nausea here and there. Anyone starting to show? This is #4 for me and im wonderin how fast i will pop this time.
  • I am due Oct 25th, third baby, new on for this one who doesn't want to see me until 12 weeks! Seems so far away! Have very tender breasts, all muscles are sore and very tired all the time, also feeling light headed alot. These are all new to me w/ the first two I had no symptoms! Who has started sharing their good mews and who is waiting?
  • Should have said new "OB" sorry!
  • @missthiggy this is my first and I'm about 8 weeks 1 day and my tummy is sloping and it's very obvious. But it could bc I was fairly small prior.
  • Due Oct. 8th... thankin my lucky stars, NO morning sickness, no sore boobs! My appetite sucks tho cuz I get intense hunger but when it comes down to eating, ugh have to force myself. My other symptoms are: very thirsty, very tired & peein a lot. After I eat, my belly definitely sticks out.
  • I haven't tested til tomorrow. . But I'm due oct 31. Oh joy. Boobs have never been so sore or itchy! ! I'm tired. . And constant headaches. On the plus side.. my back spasms have benefit gone since 8dpo lol. I have to test tomorrow. .af is due today..she better take a vacation! I'm a chunky girl so i don't expect to show for a while. .. keep in touch. . Ur my dd buddies!
  • Good luck @angelbugg I hope u get a bfp I took mine the day after was supposed to come BC I just wasn't feeling right wayyy to hungry to b normal lol n sure enough she took her vacation time lol keep me posted on what happens I'm due the 14th :)
  • The day mine was supposed to come** sorry dumb phone auto corrects things I dnt want auto corrected ;)
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  • Im average/small size and my sister says no way will i be able to hide my little "cleetus the fetus" which we have lovingly nicknamed baby 4. We don't want to tell people till may....which may not be an option :(
  • We have the Samantha due date! Oct 7 is my deceased papa's bday. I'm bloated, constipated, sleepy, only nauseous sometimes.
  • @missthiggy lol cute nickname! My husband and I wanted to wait till I was out of the danger zone....well that theory lasted a hour. We both suck at keeping secrets.lol
  • Due oct 2nd and feeling sooooo much better, had solid nausea for 2 weeks, sea bands are my new best friend. My first I'm so excited!
  • I'm due October 3rd and I'm sick as a dog. My stomach hurts from contracting its muscles so I can throw up anything I try and hold down. Its soooo miserable. its like a sour feeling constantly. I had horrible trouble sleeping last night too, I think I'm finding difficulty getting comfortable. This stinks so far. I was good last weekend, (no vomitting) but it alll came back :(
  • Im due oct 1 with my first baby...super tired all the time but besides that no sickness :) my babys good to me lol i just want the first trimester to go by already! :)
  • I'm due oct 9th :) I have been feeling so sick it sucks. This is my second baby so at least I know a little bit. I had complications with my daughter so I'm nervous about this one
  • I'm ment to be Due 28.10.11 I'm not sure tho gonna see the Dr 2morrow. This is my 2nd n I'm terefied again its an unplanned pregnAncy and I'm terrified, last time we were pregnant we had a lot of problems and I was very ill and on my own I'm so scared its going to happen again (even tho I know were stable n happy n have being for years now)

    How do you think I should tell him?

    And how do we tell our families?

    And friends? And when? Dnt get me wrong I'm excited but scared. Labour didnt like me :(

    Hope ur all ok xxx
  • Im due oct 28th as well....i am extremly tired and i feel a little sick but i can deal if i drink water n breath lol. This is my third baby. Other symptoms i really havent gotton cept for slight headache and my nipples are tender but not my breasts its werid. Im hopeing this pregnancy is easier on me as for my second pregnancy i had every symptom real bad but my first i had zero symptoms, id be ok with that again lol.
  • Oh also i told my bestfriends n sis in law right away told my fam as well but my husband wants to wait to tell his fam. Kinda sucks bc his mom n dad live with us due to their both sick n cant work, so u cant even talk bout my pregnancy in my own home bc they could hear:(
  • i don't have anything really sore boobs ish n feeling woozy but that's it. With Amy I didn't have anything till 7 weeks then it hit me like I lead balloon lol xxx
  • My EDD is Oct 26th which is awesome because my B-day is the 31st.. I have never been so tired in my life and even the touch of my shirt on my nipples is unbearable. I told everyone right away. I couldn't help it. And the father is more excited than I am!!
  • Im due october 7th and be glad u don't have morning its the worst the nausea itself is so horrible. ...
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