Whos my baby daddy ?



  • Girl,,im sorry about whatz going on and im sorry also for the people not giving u advice and truing to be ur parent,, thats the last thing u need,,so I just wanted to say sorry for that, I know that u already know about how this happened and I havent been there my self but I am a mom an prego with#2 an ill be here if u need to talk with out jugement,,,stay strong, and take care
  • Thanks girls its nice to know I have people supporting me(:
  • U should tell both of the guys that ur pregnant.... atleast give them a heads up. I hope everything works out.
  • Your welcome... like I said any time
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ur welcome:)
  • Youhh Are Veryy WelCome Girl!
    Just Remember Youhh Have Usz
    Girlsz Too Helpp Youhh Outt;-)
  • Girl: everyone makes mistake ima put it this way who cares wat ppl think. You live & u learn frm it! It is wat it is ur life ur baby! No one is perfect & no one ever will be! Take it easy girl & take care that belly! :)
  • Don't let some of these girls bring u down girl how far along are u cause there is a test that u can take I think while u are still prego to find out who's the dad but idk how far along u have to be... have u told the dudes yet that u don't know who the dad is
  • Listen shit happens. Now you just need to take care of yourself and do what's right by you and baby.
  • Im 26 weeks and 3day and I have not told the guys im hopeing its my bf's
  • What's ur race and what's the dudes races
  • I can tell u from experience....i wasn't exactly a good girl in my teens. ..in fact i was really irresponsible but a baby or an std never became of it but I'm sure i was just lucky, so no judging here, i think the best thing would to have your bf with u at the hospital and check then and be honest with him and if it turns out not to be his then u will know it was the other guy. .. being honest is soo hard sometimes but it shows good character and if he loves u then he will see that . Good luck doll; )
  • @girl keep ur head high. Don't think about what others said juz b happy for the precious gift. I have a friend who do the same the after havin her baby she realize that next time shell either use birth control or condoms. But I know we all make mistakes and we learn from it. I hope the best and good luck with everythin. =)
  • I Aqree Withh BellaReust Andd islandgirl
  • Hope i didn't cause offense was only talking from experience of my younger cousin who was in similar situation. good luck @Girl x
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