HELP!! new mom panics prt 1

edited August 2011 in Parenting
My baby is three days old tonight is actually our first night home and I noticed theres a little blood around her cord that was fresh within the last hour or so. her diapers aren't on it and as far as i know i havent accidentally bumped it. is this normal??


  • If it's just a bit, you're probably ok. I'd keep an eye on it and call her dr in the morning, just in case!
  • I would say its normal. Its been awhile since my baby was a new born tho. Just keep an eye on it. Her diaper may of just rubbed it
  • thank you so much ladies. I always promised myself I wouldnt be one of those panicky moms and then I see a drop of blood hahaha.
  • Lol, its way too easy to be a panicky mom, esp when blood is involved!
  • So true. your daughter is beautiful btw those big dark eyes are going to be trouble when shes a teen!
  • Aww, thank you!! She's already a crazy flirt, I'm totally dreading teenage years, lol!
  • Yea, my son had a little bit around it. I just used an alcohol wipe to clean it up and dry it out. It finally all fell off today.
  • that cord scares the life out of me @jcmommy I cant wait for hers to fall off your so lucky. Hows having your little man home?
  • Dont panic over cord... its dyn off day by day... U can squeeze alcohol with swabs or alcohol pads it will fall of quicker. It DOES NOT hurt bby at all! Dont panic!!
  • It's exhausting. Haha. I'm trying to change his sleep schedule right now. He's a night owl and keeps me up with him. Plus I have a 5yo that is so bored all day. How are you coping with motherhood?
  • I recommend u use Baby Magic bedtime lavender shampoo! Its amazing!
  • @betty ive heard great things about that stuff from another person on here. i got it at my shower so ill have to try it out
    @jcmommy that must stink having a 5yo in summer time and a newborn. your strong cause that must demand a lot of you. Im loving being a new mom but I dont think the lack of sleep has caught up yet hahah. then again my mom and the bd have been such a huge help
  • @betty. I was thinking about it but my baby breaks out with the Johnson stuff. We're using aveeno now. I guess I'm too scared to expose him to it.
  • Im takn mine to dr today... shes had a rash.only on face for more than 3weeks. Dr had said before it was.heat rash, but i thonk its something else...
  • I used to get heat rashes all the time but I only ever got them on a area that would rub. like in between my thighs or when pregnant boobs on belly. hahha
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