Summer Is Here of July 29th...
Hey Lovely Ladies/Preglies/Gents & Daddies!!!
I have been able to experience the most beautiful event... My Love, Summer was born friday, July 29, 2011 at 1:56pm. 8->
She was 6lb 4.2 oz and 19inches. I had her naturally (absolutely no drugs), so she came out totally alert.
I fall in love with her, again, everyday! :X
I have been able to experience the most beautiful event... My Love, Summer was born friday, July 29, 2011 at 1:56pm. 8->
She was 6lb 4.2 oz and 19inches. I had her naturally (absolutely no drugs), so she came out totally alert.
I fall in love with her, again, everyday! :X
I definitely will have to do a birth story. :-bd
It really wasn't bad. I had no breathing techniques nor lamaze training. The contractions only hurt when I became tired (which became hysterical).
**Birth Story Coming Soon (I hope) **