Scared of getting epidural

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I'm thinking about having a natural birth because I heard if you're not completely still while they're injecting the epidural you can be paralyzed :-S does the epidural shot hurt :/


  • I never felt nuthn wit my 2 but I was in so much pain I was begging them for it lol
  • I am too. But I just want one without meds.
  • Yeah... I heard natural birth doesn't hurt as much as ppl say as long as you stay calm.
  • Not that i remember...all i remember was contractions from hell....a little nerve tingle...but not any needle.....then....bliss!
  • There r always risks but omg I think I would have died without my was awesome!!!!
  • It is possibleto become paralyzed but it happens almost never. I'd say just try to go as long as possible without it and get it only if you really feel you need it.
  • I had so many contractions. During epidural n I kept moving they have a nurse hold you in a sertian position so u don't move that much. N u don't ever feel the epi needle u feel the small tiney pinch for the numbing stuff n after that's in your not gonna move don't worry that's an extremely rare rare case.....if u want an epi at some point don't let anything stop you contractions r different for everyone your body can only take so much
  • I'm scared NOT to get an epidural lol! This is my first pregnancy and after hearing the horror stories from the women in my family about their natural child births, pre epi days, drugs are the way to go for me.
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