pain killers during delivery

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
What do you recommend


  • edited August 2011
    I had an awful delivery experience...I was induced 3 times over a week, failed all three and ended up with an emergency c section. My epidurals did not work, so I did have some nubain. It didn't take all the pain away, but just took the edge off. I was totally against any IV drugs during delivery, but after all of that pain...I needed it.
  • @Soon2BMom2Under2 I just don't know what to do. Im so lost. I asked today and the doctor that was there wasn't much help. So idk what to do.
  • edited August 2011
    Im gonna try to go without until baby comes out....then drug me up let's party!!!!:):):)
  • I suggest nubain if you never take anything for pain it will work out well for you it did for my first child. However it does wear off after like 30 mins and the 2nd dose is less effective
  • I tried wit jus iv drugs then at the last it was unbearable!! as they was putn the epideral n i told them I had to push so I felt pretty good afterwards lol but wit my first I had to have it lol the epiderals r life savers ! Def getn it again lol. Good luck
  • Right after I gave birth they gave me a shot of Demerol... I don't. Recommend it I could barely speak I was so messed up. I hated feeling that way.
  • What hurts more contractions or pushing?
  • edited August 2011
    I think the best thing to do is just try not to make plans for anything. Every delivery is different and you dont know what yours will be like until you're going through it...why stress now until you know what you are getting into? Just go with the flow and make decisions once you need to. I would have never expected my delivery to turn out the way it just never know.

    Some people are really against IV pain meds b/c it does cross the placenta. Epidural and the meds used in them do not cross the placenta. So, the baby will have some effects of the IV pain medication; however, if it was dangerous for the baby they would never give it to you.

    I never made it to push, so I don't know how that feels. I was on pitocin and didn't make it past 3.5 cm before my blood pressure dropped and then my daughters heart rate dropped, so I was brought in immediately for an emergency c section. The contractions's like the worst menstural cramps you could ever imagine, but you have breaks between b/c they come in waves. They take your breath away and make it difficult to breath or talk through them. I don't think I could have gone through a vaginal delivery with out anything at all for pain control, so my suggestion would be to opt for an epudural then try the nubain and maybe have a little nubain until they can get the epidural in.
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  • I think it depends on your particular labor. If my labor had been quick last time, I probably could have gone through most of it with just nubane. But it wears off and subsequent doses aren't as strong, so I went ahead and got an epi. My epi worked perfectly and I was able to sleep through most of my labor. I didn't feel any of the stuff they did to administer the epi, because my nubane hadn't completely worn off.
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